Ok…I took yesterday off from shredding…simply because I needed the recovery period. I recognized this as I was contemplating sliding down the stairs on my bottom in order to get downstairs to the family room. Decided against the sliding thing because of the jarring that it would cause in my head…thus producing a headache…in the only place on my body that wasn’t sore-and I really needed to keep that area sacred. But today I am back with a vengeance…well, vengeance might be a tad bit strong…but whatever.
Many of you will be glad to know that showering with the garden hose has gone well; little chilly that early in the morning…but well nevertheless. (Thank the Lord that we live in 5 acres of woods…and the leaves are back on the trees…otherwise our neighbors would see a whole new side of me.)
By the way…have you ever seen a raccoon giggle and point? Let’s just say…it happens.
While lying on the floor doing my abs—yes, I have abs…just well hidden, they are shy.
Anyways…while lying on the floor I realized many things. Prepare yourself for the list.
1. I like the ab work. Never thought I would say that…but it gives me a chance to lie down, and does not involve doing a push-up.
2. I need a pedicure.
3. Did you know if you have the ceiling fan going, that you can not see the amount of dust that is built up on the blades? Eureka—time to invite friends over…with the fan on.
4. I need a tan. My legs are scary white. Wrote about this quite a while back…apparently have done very little about it.
5. I realize that Jillian is lazy. She is not even doing the shred. She keeps walking around going back and forth to her little helpers and showing us how to do it like them. I don’t see any sweat on her brow. Matter of fact…I think her abs are airbrushed.
6. I really need a pedicure.
7. While feet up in air to do crunches, realized that laws of gravity naturally make everything head down to the floor where I lie. Reverse this to when I stand up…law of gravity means that natural sag heads to floor…towards my feet. Thus explains the “unperkiness” of Debbie and Diane (the D twins) and the fact that I have chubby ankles. Wow, I love science. Sir Isaac Newton was a brilliant man. This has made my brain tired…because obviously it is puddle somewhere around the bottom of my calves.
8. Ab work has been over for approximately 10 seconds while I look at the spot near my knee where I have missed shaving for oh, I don’t know…days maybe.
Finished. For the day…if I do this thing again tonight, at say…11:45, which will stretch into about 12:15 tomorrow…can I count it as doing it for 2 days? Uh huh…I like math too.
Gotta run. Really that is just a phrase…I will not be running—quite possibly ever.