Yesterday- I dropped my baby off at High School.
Yep, you heard me. High. School.
As in, some of his classmates drive, all (but him) have cell phones-so I’m told, many of the males have more hair on their face than T has on his head (true story), and grades matter.
Today- he turns 14 years old.
The joy brought into my life 14 years ago is something that I wouldn’t trade for a winning lottery ticket... I don’t think—but let me test it and get back to you
Whether some of you believe in this type of thing or not…I do, so here is our story. On Mother’s Day (I believe about ’92 or so) we were at church and the pastor was praying for all of the moms down at the altar. When I went back to my seat, T had tears streaming down his face. My first thought was that I embarrassed him, and had my skirt tucked into my undies or something… soon after he said that God told him that we would have a 3rd child and it would be special. Wow—powerful stuff, but….. I was done bearing Taylor tots…I had my boy and girl—they were healthy and beautiful, nope, I didn’t need any more thankyouverymuch. Again, I was the last one let in on the plan. When we discovered that we were again expecting in late ’94, that word “special” kept popping into my head. If you were preggers—what would you think of when you hear “special”? Yep, me too—but he was born a purple, peeing, perfect little man. Only later would I discover what “special” meant to Him.
Here is His definition of “special”~
-Happy. More joy than most teen-age boys. No sullen attitude, no pouting, no moping…
-Friendly. Makes friends easier than anyone I know. Everyone knows H, everyone likes H-no matter if they are 3 years old and listening to the Wiggles or 60 something and enjoying the early bird special at Golden Corral, he can charm them in moments.
-Compassionate. The “last kid picked for the team” never will sit there alone when H is around, he feels for that kid and will go talk to him.
-Loving. Hates to show it in front of others, but loves his mama…would protect me to the end. Very chivalrous to me and his sis.
-Talented. Read previous posts. This boy has a future in the music industry. End of story.
-Godly. Doesn’t hesitate to tell friends they need to do right from wrong. Wants to grow in Him.
-Evangelistic. Blows us away with the words given to him by Him. Guarantee that folks will join the Kingdom b/c of what He is planting in H.
-Beautiful. He would hate this, but he is—inside, where it absolutely counts. Because of all of the above, he is a wonderful creation…and I am proud that he is sharing my genes.
-Passionate. To know what his future holds at such a young age, and to be dedicated to that cause and willing to do whatever is necessary to attain it…oh I wish I were even a little like this.
-Funny. Don’t know if it is because he spends so much time with T or what, but this kid can have me rolling rather consistently. Love, love it.
Ok, ok, so I am singing his praises today. I don’t need a slap in the face to wake up to reality and realize that I am honoring a teenage boy who will undoubtedly disappoint me a time or two. He is not perfect…no implication of that here. But he is truly a gift from God. I often call him the light in our house. I think what I am most excited about is seeing what is coming in his future.
Whether he is a youth pastor, music minister, teacher, sanitation collector, helicopter pilot, singer…whatever…I know that he will be the best that he can…’cause he’s my little Hunter-man. And I love him.
Happy Birthday Big Guy!!!
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
3 days ago