I.am.a.bad.mom. There—I said it…
I have not written a thing since H’s birthday where I extolled his virtues all over the place…
And they still all hold true.
Here is what has gone in our humble abode since then.
My 22nd anniversary, C got a JOB (go girl), my birthday (ugh girl), A started school, T’s uncle died very unexpectedly, A had a birthday (go girl), a friend passed away unexpectedly…whew…it has been a busy couple of weeks or four….
Today I shall um, sing A’s praises…since I totally skipped her big 1-9…
For those of you that know A…would you believe that she was a big honkin’ baby? 9 lbs 3 oz I tell you…uh, huh-ouch…T called her a bowling ball with eyes and thighs…Let me just say, that has gone over very well when talking to her suitors. Tee hee…
Within a year though, she was a blonde moppet that had the Pebbles ‘do sprouting from the top of her head, with big eyes and a grown man (T) wrapped around her finger…and she just got cuter. She exuded such naïveté and innocence growing up—gullible had her picture beside it in the ole Webster’s. T used to claim that she was an angel placed here on earth to bless our lives…and we truly believed it.
A is another one of my children that knows exactly what she wants to do with her life…and it is all a matter of fashion. She has had a talent (since she was a wee little sprite) for putting pieces of clothing together and coming up with a fabulous ensemble!! Tada!!! Now, she is the first to admit that she can’t draw a stick figure…but dressing said stick figure—she’ll have at it!!! When she was in high school guys would call her and ask her to take them shopping. Not only could she pick out clothes for them, but she can sniff out a bargain like a Bassett hound—she really should have started charging them, that would help pay for college wouldn’t it? :)
To many this seems like a very superficial career…but hey, somebody’s got to do it right? None of us could go to Target, Wal-Mart or Macys and purchase anything unless someone behind the scenes purchased it for the store, right? Hopefully some day that will be my little A.
She has grown so much in the last couple of years…that we are no longer fearful for her to be out on her own in the big ole world. She has proven to be a strong, responsible, respectful, driven godly young woman…who is still our angel.
Why she blesses us:
-Humor—again, where do my kids get it? She is quick with the retort…often unexpected, but always funny.
-Beautiful—inside—we have preached forever and a day that outer beauty will fade…but inner beauty will only grow and grow.
-Caring—her heart hurts for those who hurt. She is a big softie.
-Dedicated—whether with a job (even the ones she didn’t like), school or exercise—she has sticktoitness (so off the spelling chart—but you know what I mean)
-Patient—waiting for the man that the Lord has for her…not willing to settle for anyone else—in any way shape or form
-Godly—what better gift as a parent? Keepin’ it real at a secular university!
-Loving—frustrated with her parents at times? Sure, but always loving and respectful. She loves her brudders and seester in law bunches too!!!
-Strong—I am trusting in Him to continue to build her strength—I better ‘cause she is planning to move halfway across the country next year. Little girl in a BIG city—watch out.
A was so proud when she recently told me that her boss (a non-Christian) publicly said that she sees A’s faith and knows that her morals and attitude have placed a positive spin on her places of business. In our world—that is HUGE!! What a testimony!!!!!!
Thank you Lord for blessing my life with a daughter that is also a best friend to me, and giving us the relationship that I always desired. Thank you for continuing to make her what You want her to be—both inside and out. Please keep your hand upon her and strengthen her. But most of all, thank you for our angel.
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
3 days ago