I would love to be one of those bloggers that writes something witty and entertaining every day. But I'm not. Not only do I not have the time to perform such a herculean task...but I don't believe that I have that much humor in me. It has been stolen...
I used to be funny. Matter of fact, I was voted Class Clown in high school (the female version...I don't remember who the male version was). This is something that I really should be quite proud of. I had only been going to that school for a little over a year (arrived beginning of junior yr.) and the voting was done early in our senior yr...so somehow I had made a name for myself through my attempts to make my classmates and teachers crack a smile. But why oh why couldn't I have been voted prettiest hair (I used Pert back then-remember shampoo and conditioner in one fell swoop), prettiest smile (despite my one little crooked incisor), best body (yeah...won't go there), biggest flirt (Cover Girl mascara gave me very fluttery eyelashes), or most likely to succeed(seriously...only the so called "geeks" were guaranteed success)? No, I get the one title that conjures up pictures of Bozo and make-up applied by a drunk person. Go figure.
A few years ago my kids were looking through my senior yearbook and came across the picture of me and the biggest flirt (his nickname was "Pugs"-my own nickname shall remain unknown)...and with a sense of wonder and awe saw my most illustrious title...and asked what had happened? What, like I wasn't just a thigh-slap a minute? I very seriously pointed to each of them (Hubby included) and said...you, and you, and you and most especially you. They failed to find the humor in that.
I will say that I believe that my hubby is by far one of the funniest people I know. There are times that I can't make my self laugh at his lame jokes (I try, I really do)...but at other times I laugh so hard that it makes tears run down my white pancake makeup ;-). The simple fact that he can have such a great sense of humor while battling all of his health issues is enough to keep me smiling. Somehow each of my children have inherited their own distinct bit of humor (so much for the adoption rumor I was starting). Jordan is just silly...whenever I get to see him (again, not nearly enough) he has me rolling. He has a way of playing the "dumb jock/redneck" that just cracks me up. Acacia may look all cute, but she can throw a funny zinger when you are least expecting it, 'cause as she states...she's a college student (sorry, you had to be there). Hunter is so much like his dad (great, I have 2 of them?!) that I should be on my knees now calling on the angels to prepare his future wifey.
Back to those whom I have discovered to be really funny bloggers. These women literally crack me up!!! I hope that some day I can join their ranks and let the giggles flow from the tips of my fingers as easily as they seem to do. Until then, I will be like Miss California...reaching for the title( Miss Chuckle/Snort/Guffaw)--and only by a "question" of fate will I never get to wear the sash. (Get it?--I will address this soon) Keep up the good work girls...you have touched more lives than those who will ever leave comments on your blogs...and all for a good cause--to keep us ladies smiling and looking forward to tomorrow's words of "wisdom". :0)
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
3 days ago