As a mom there are times when one must set aside the timid soccer mom mentality and become a raging lion…particularly when protecting one of her cubs. Well…ROAR…!!!
My daughter is discovering the real world. Not the world where gas, food and clothing costs way too much, where taxes whittle away a hard-earned paycheck, where the cute little old lady in the Buick will not let you merge in front of her. No, she is discovering the real world where not everything is fair…or right.
She has a situation at work (business shall remain nameless…for their own protection…and so it can’t be traced back to the fact that I want to go in there and kick some butt) where things are not run by professional businesswomen, but rather catty, vindictive, immature 12 year olds masquerading as adult women. It is quite an eye-opener when an 18 year old college student is the mature level-headed employee…not those that "manage" the business.
I am digressing in my anger…
I won’t go into all of the particulars about the situation…it would take too long. But I am so ticked that my hands are tied in this instance. All that I can do is say, “it will all work out…you be the bigger person”…yada, yada, yada…you know the drill. Unfortunately, I have to let her learn this on her own.
She wisely said to me, “I realize that there are places in the world where people do not have the same values and morals that I do…but it blows me away that people can do the things they do…and not feel any guilt about it!”
She is not so naïve to think that everything in the world is always going to be sunshine and roses. Nor does she mistakenly think that just because you are a Christian that everyone is going to respect that and try to live up to your standards. But she does feel that people should maintain a sense of professionalism and a modicum of decency. But alas, all those thoughts have been put to pasture…and that, my friends, is the true crime in all of this.
We shall mark this day as one where the rose-colored glasses are removed and put away, and the stark reality of the world slaps you in the face and forces you to grow up at an alarming rate.
I must say…I like things better with a tinge of pink.
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
1 day ago
Chris, I'm so happy to meet you! I'm enjoying your posts, esp. this one, as I have two young adult kids who are learning the same thing. It's tough, but not everybody out there is Grandma and Grandpa!