Monday, April 27, 2009

The Grand Prize Game!!!

I would love to be one of those bloggers that writes something witty and entertaining every day. But I'm not. Not only do I not have the time to perform such a herculean task...but I don't believe that I have that much humor in me. It has been stolen...

I used to be funny. Matter of fact, I was voted Class Clown in high school (the female version...I don't remember who the male version was). This is something that I really should be quite proud of. I had only been going to that school for a little over a year (arrived beginning of junior yr.) and the voting was done early in our senior somehow I had made a name for myself through my attempts to make my classmates and teachers crack a smile. But why oh why couldn't I have been voted prettiest hair (I used Pert back then-remember shampoo and conditioner in one fell swoop), prettiest smile (despite my one little crooked incisor), best body (yeah...won't go there), biggest flirt (Cover Girl mascara gave me very fluttery eyelashes), or most likely to succeed(seriously...only the so called "geeks" were guaranteed success)? No, I get the one title that conjures up pictures of Bozo and make-up applied by a drunk person. Go figure.

A few years ago my kids were looking through my senior yearbook and came across the picture of me and the biggest flirt (his nickname was "Pugs"-my own nickname shall remain unknown)...and with a sense of wonder and awe saw my most illustrious title...and asked what had happened? What, like I wasn't just a thigh-slap a minute? I very seriously pointed to each of them (Hubby included) and, and you, and you and most especially you. They failed to find the humor in that.

I will say that I believe that my hubby is by far one of the funniest people I know. There are times that I can't make my self laugh at his lame jokes (I try, I really do)...but at other times I laugh so hard that it makes tears run down my white pancake makeup ;-). The simple fact that he can have such a great sense of humor while battling all of his health issues is enough to keep me smiling. Somehow each of my children have inherited their own distinct bit of humor (so much for the adoption rumor I was starting). Jordan is just silly...whenever I get to see him (again, not nearly enough) he has me rolling. He has a way of playing the "dumb jock/redneck" that just cracks me up. Acacia may look all cute, but she can throw a funny zinger when you are least expecting it, 'cause as she states...she's a college student (sorry, you had to be there). Hunter is so much like his dad (great, I have 2 of them?!) that I should be on my knees now calling on the angels to prepare his future wifey.

Back to those whom I have discovered to be really funny bloggers. These women literally crack me up!!! I hope that some day I can join their ranks and let the giggles flow from the tips of my fingers as easily as they seem to do. Until then, I will be like Miss California...reaching for the title( Miss Chuckle/Snort/Guffaw)--and only by a "question" of fate will I never get to wear the sash. (Get it?--I will address this soon) Keep up the good work have touched more lives than those who will ever leave comments on your blogs...and all for a good cause--to keep us ladies smiling and looking forward to tomorrow's words of "wisdom". :0)

Monday, April 20, 2009

Big Ears, Buck Teeth and Long Tails?

We (as in Hunter—Tim and I were the support team) had Fine Arts this weekend. (FYI-Fine Arts is competition between high schoolers (and a few jr. high age) who minister in categories such as vocal, instrumental, writing, drama and preaching) It was an incredibly exciting weekend for all of us. Hunter participated in a vocal ensemble with another jr. higher (Mallory—she is adorable) as well as the previously mentioned Christian rock band (4/6). He also played drums for the high school worship team. The ensemble got a superior rating…which we were very happy with…as well as the band getting a superior. But the worship team received a superior with invitation…which translates to advancing to Nationals. What a great job!!! Not only did they advance…but they received the Merit Award…which translates to FIRST PLACE (out of 14 teams)!!!! Woo Hoo!!!!!!! They got to close out the Fine Arts weekend by ministering to the whole group of hundreds of people…what a rush!!! Hunter (who played drums) was told that he was the only jr. higher to play on a worship team that weekend (don’t know the validity of this…but we’re gonna’ roll with it ‘cause it makes him happy).

I know you may or may not be able to read between the lines…but I am a very proud mama right now…

It all came in the perfect doses this weekend. Yes, he achieved great success on the worship team, but he also received a healthy dose of humility when his other 2 events did not achieve total success. Isn’t God good? He can totally keep a 13 y/o musical dynamo in line just by deducting a couple of points. I so totally can find the humor in this!!!!

So…what does all of this mean? It means that somehow we (Hunter and maybe me) need to figure out how we’re going to make it to Orlando this August with the rest of the team. Darn...I really hate it when stuff such as this is held someplace wonderful!! ;-)

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Girls Look Good in Pink!!

As a mom there are times when one must set aside the timid soccer mom mentality and become a raging lion…particularly when protecting one of her cubs. Well…ROAR…!!!

My daughter is discovering the real world. Not the world where gas, food and clothing costs way too much, where taxes whittle away a hard-earned paycheck, where the cute little old lady in the Buick will not let you merge in front of her. No, she is discovering the real world where not everything is fair…or right.

She has a situation at work (business shall remain nameless…for their own protection…and so it can’t be traced back to the fact that I want to go in there and kick some butt) where things are not run by professional businesswomen, but rather catty, vindictive, immature 12 year olds masquerading as adult women. It is quite an eye-opener when an 18 year old college student is the mature level-headed employee…not those that "manage" the business.

I am digressing in my anger…

I won’t go into all of the particulars about the situation…it would take too long. But I am so ticked that my hands are tied in this instance. All that I can do is say, “it will all work out…you be the bigger person”…yada, yada, yada…you know the drill. Unfortunately, I have to let her learn this on her own.

She wisely said to me, “I realize that there are places in the world where people do not have the same values and morals that I do…but it blows me away that people can do the things they do…and not feel any guilt about it!”

She is not so naïve to think that everything in the world is always going to be sunshine and roses. Nor does she mistakenly think that just because you are a Christian that everyone is going to respect that and try to live up to your standards. But she does feel that people should maintain a sense of professionalism and a modicum of decency. But alas, all those thoughts have been put to pasture…and that, my friends, is the true crime in all of this.

We shall mark this day as one where the rose-colored glasses are removed and put away, and the stark reality of the world slaps you in the face and forces you to grow up at an alarming rate.

I must say…I like things better with a tinge of pink.

Monday, April 13, 2009

A lot of rain makes one week (wink, wink)

We attended the Passion Play on Thursday night. It was wonderful! I really enjoyed it. Yes, I know that the story is basically the same, but they put a fresh new spin on it and it was great to see something new. I highly recommend anyone local that can attend next year--get your tickets early and go!!!

We are back to a dreary, rainy Monday. Why must this be so? Can't it rain on,oh I don't know, let's say Thursday? Thursdays are really not that important of a day...they are the pre-cursor to Friday...which is always a great day (my favorite)...Obviously it shouldn't rain on the weekend--that is the nirvana for those of us that work full time...we need our weekends to be nice and sunny...always. Tuesdays would be another ok choice for rain, (not as good as Thursdays). Tuesday piggy backs onto Mondays it is kind of a rain would totally fit into its DNA make-up. On Wednesdays it storms too much as it is. I know this simply because I attend church on Weds. and I can not tell you how many times we have watched the skies before heading to church, keeping an eye out for Dorothy and Toto. Therefore, you can see my very rational reasoning for choosing Thursday. Does this not make sense to you also? Yes, I thought so.

Crazy week both at home and work this week. I have lots of prep at work for an accreditating crew. Plus we have Fine Arts this weekend, and we must fit in at least 3 extra practices on top of regular piano, worship team and baseball too!!! Sleep? psh...overrated. Keep HT (Hunter) in your prayers...he has so much to do...I do believe it is stressing him out a little bit. Pray that he keeps his head and heart straight, and a boundless supply of wisdom and energy (yea...not too much). The wisdom thing is easy...he claims to already know it all... ;-)
(Typical Taylor man)

Breeze through your Monday...Friday is coming!!!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Watching the Son Rise...

"The sun will come out tomorrow"...(cue flashes of me in red curls). Today seems to be a better day...maybe it has something to do with the fact that I have a 3 day weekend...that's always enough to solicit a smile.

We are headed to the Passion Play tonight, which has me very excited. I am eager to see the work that has been done to recreate this spectacular event.

Met with an old high school friend last night (Jen), she was in town visiting her parents over spring break (came to Indiana from Florida--how backward is that). It was wonderful reminiscing with her. Brought back lots of memories. At times I wish I were young again, but then way!! You know, I may have wrinkles, cellulite and stretch marks (good time to cue flashes of me in Heidi Klum's body)...but I have a hubby, 3 kids and a lifetime of memories and experiences to discount the fact that being young is where it's at!!! I told my friend Jen that in a few years those Don Pablo's chips we were eating wouldn't fall down and land on my chest...they would continue their downward spiral onto my lap...because that's where my chest would be to stop them!! Ok, so maybe being young does have its perks *giggle, snicker* ;-)

I wish everyone a wonderful Easter weekend. Please remember that we celebrate this glorious occasion to celebrate Jesus' resurrection...not the fact that peeps are available in every color.
I am so thankful the Lord sacrificed to allow me an eternal life (way beyond my wildest dreams).

~God Bless~

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Not having a good day.
Didn't sleep well, woke up early...didn't work out.
Do not want to be at work.
Do not want to be at home.

Still don't have taxes done.
Trying to decide if school will work out next year.
Don't want to face the inevitable.
Being a grown-up stinks.

Don't like know-it-alls.
Don't like being disappointed in others.
Don't like disappointing others.
Right now...just don't like others.

Feeling like cartoon character Maxine.
Looking like cartoon character Maxine.
Want to be cartoon character Maxine.
Maxine is my friend.

Wallowing in self-pity.
Wallowing in anger.
Wallowing in despair.
Would rather be wallowing in chocolate.'s gonna' be one of those weeks.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Lightin' it up!

Hello Monday!!!

I was going to say Happy Monday...but that would just be silly wouldn't it? What exactly is happy about a Monday? The only up-side for this particular week is that it is a shortened work week...give me a woo hoo!!!!

I must tell you that I was swollen with pride Friday night (that's my problem...I'm not overweight--I've been retaining water all these years)...oh, I, yes...I was swollen with pride Friday watching Hunter and his guys play at MHS. I jokingly refer to them as the boy band...and HT gets very self-righteous and informs me that they are not a boy band...they rock too much for that!!! I then haughtily inform him that the boy bands get all the girls (his mama knows exactly what buttons to push)...which creates a tug-of-war in his cute little 13 yo brain!!! I still off track??? *deep breath* we go...

The band (Beauty from Ashes) did awesome!!! They won the "battle" and are invited to play in the school talent show in a few weeks!! They totally rocked!!! It was awesome that dear hubby and another friend (different times of the day--orchestrated by Him) both told HT that this may be the only Jesus that these kids make sure to glorify Him. I was also proud that HT told the guys..."we are not going out there without praying first" and they huddled and prayed in front of the whole gym full of that is worth all the hassle of traveling to practice and drums banging in my peaceful abode. They play again for Fine Arts in just a couple of weeks...I pray that they will continue to grow in Him and focus on what their music can do to glorify the Lord.

Keeping it short it is a Monday I have much to do...but guess I can even work through my lunch hour...don't exactly want to go out as it is April 6th and snowing (NOT a typo).