Thursday, May 21, 2009

Divine Text

I have approximately 2 minutes and 17 seconds to pound out something that resembles a post here. So, just let me say...

I am not a big American Idol watcher (I got interested when people started talking about Danny Gokey--and saying that Hunter looked like him)...but over the last few weeks I knew who I didn't want to win...and GOD IS GOOD!!!

I am so pleased that the underdog-Chi Alpha-boy next door-married to a woman Kris Allen won that I can't see straight (no pun intended...sorta).

To all of those that say America didn't get it right, or bigoted American's aren't ready for someone that is different...let me just say...GOD IS GOOD!!!
Ok, I have overrun my time limit by about 30 seconds. Time to put "No Boundries" on my playlist.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Merry Maids

You may have noticed me on your carton of 2% recently...'cause I have been missing! I have been so swamped that I haven't had time to write about anything. Not to mention, my life just isn't that exciting. (I am not sure how some people do it--and keep others entertained) I am still shredding--but not as much, and I will admit...I miss it. My life has been so chaotic as of late that I simply can not get myself up at 4:30 in the morning to jump around after 5 hours of sleep. I am just exhausted. Why? You ask...well, let me tell you.

We decided to put our house up for sell and have been cleaning everything out in order to make it presentable. On the surface, most things looked presentable...but lurking beneath the surface is the most horrendous of rodents...the packrat. Not something that you want to have around when you are attempting to sell, if you catch my drift.

Here is the breakdown for the hubster and I. I am a spender...I buy items on sale (Target clearance and I have a special bond) in preparation for gifts for birthdays, graduations, holidays, getting-your-haircut-'cause-it' know, the special moments. This is all well and good...but then I would go stick them in a certain closet...never to see them again. This equates to a lot of money wasted that was all originally intended for good. I spent hours cleaning that closet out this weekend...and let me tell you...Goodwill will make a killing off of me and my poor spending habits. I took 2 loads to them already (and I bet there is at least one more). My only consolation is that I am helping someone else out. :)

The hubby is a packrat. I.mean.really. He hates to get rid of anything. He also is a list-maker. He makes a list everyday consisting of calls to make, people to see, things to do. This equates to lots of notebooks and scraps of paper. He hesitates to throw any of them away b/c he may not have finished the list. He also is much more sentimental about items. When cleaning out the attic last week, we ran across the box (oh yeah, he saves boxes in case we need to take anything back) for one of our kids baby walkers!! I will fill you in on the fact that the only baby we have around is almost 14 (and I don't think it was the walker for him!). After much arm twisting, hair pulling and begging (we're hands-on communicators)...he threw tons of boxes away-woohoo!! Now he is currently going through papers and burning them or tossing if they don't have personal information on them. Do you think that it is necessary to save a receipt from 1997? I don't either...but it has been a slow and arduous process to convince the Tim-meister. On a positive note, we did find the notebook that he wrote in on our wedding day (1987)...his list said things like; go tan (no preachin'!), take rose to Chris (that's ME), get married(like he would forget?!)While on the subject of our wedding...we came across our toasting glasses. He wanted to keep them, and I didn't. I didn't think that we would get much use out of two filthy glasses that say bride and groo(printing had rubbed off the 'm')...and Acacia firmly stated that she wouldn't use them (she'll be much smarter and use a pair that may actually work in her kitchen). So off they went to victories have been few--but mighty.

Off I go to tackle another project...while my legs begin to flab up again, my triceps wave hello-hello-hello...and my abs are expanding like one of those compact washclothes that grow when you add water. But that's ok...Jillian will be waiting on my return...and I'm sure she will let me know how very much she missed me...

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Day 2--Shred Away!!!

Ok…I took yesterday off from shredding…simply because I needed the recovery period. I recognized this as I was contemplating sliding down the stairs on my bottom in order to get downstairs to the family room. Decided against the sliding thing because of the jarring that it would cause in my head…thus producing a headache…in the only place on my body that wasn’t sore-and I really needed to keep that area sacred. But today I am back with a vengeance…well, vengeance might be a tad bit strong…but whatever.

Many of you will be glad to know that showering with the garden hose has gone well; little chilly that early in the morning…but well nevertheless. (Thank the Lord that we live in 5 acres of woods…and the leaves are back on the trees…otherwise our neighbors would see a whole new side of me.)
By the way…have you ever seen a raccoon giggle and point? Let’s just say…it happens.

While lying on the floor doing my abs—yes, I have abs…just well hidden, they are shy.
Anyways…while lying on the floor I realized many things. Prepare yourself for the list.

1. I like the ab work. Never thought I would say that…but it gives me a chance to lie down, and does not involve doing a push-up.
2. I need a pedicure.
3. Did you know if you have the ceiling fan going, that you can not see the amount of dust that is built up on the blades? Eureka—time to invite friends over…with the fan on.
4. I need a tan. My legs are scary white. Wrote about this quite a while back…apparently have done very little about it.
5. I realize that Jillian is lazy. She is not even doing the shred. She keeps walking around going back and forth to her little helpers and showing us how to do it like them. I don’t see any sweat on her brow. Matter of fact…I think her abs are airbrushed.
6. I really need a pedicure.
7. While feet up in air to do crunches, realized that laws of gravity naturally make everything head down to the floor where I lie. Reverse this to when I stand up…law of gravity means that natural sag heads to floor…towards my feet. Thus explains the “unperkiness” of Debbie and Diane (the D twins) and the fact that I have chubby ankles. Wow, I love science. Sir Isaac Newton was a brilliant man. This has made my brain tired…because obviously it is puddle somewhere around the bottom of my calves.
8. Ab work has been over for approximately 10 seconds while I look at the spot near my knee where I have missed shaving for oh, I don’t know…days maybe.

Finished. For the day…if I do this thing again tonight, at say…11:45, which will stretch into about 12:15 tomorrow…can I count it as doing it for 2 days? Uh huh…I like math too.

Gotta run. Really that is just a phrase…I will not be running—quite possibly ever.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


I did it. I have officially begun my shred. Mind you, I would much prefer to be shredding lettuce, cheese or even bank statements...but no, I have joined the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred. Consider me ready to be committed...not to the 30 day process...but to the psych ward.

Back to Ms. Michaels. A number of bloggers have begun to do I thought (mistakenly), why not give it a try? Good thing I only "see" these women over the ' I may have to pull a Bob Sanders and throw someone down if I saw them in person (I say this as if I could actually throw someone down right now). I do believe that I have discovered Saddam Hussein reborn in a sports bra. This woman is not very nice...she has no qualms about forcing an out of shape, overweight, middle-aged, I-work-at-a-desk, chocolate-is-my-happiness woman into a quivering pile of rubbery muscles (term used loosely) and sweaty pits. You know, there is a level 1--for beginners, right? Wrong! Level 1 had me doing numerous ...are you ready for this...push-ups!!! Who does push-ups as a beginner??? Even though I did the girly kind...that is a lot of abuse for the part of my body that normally only holds a 32 oz. soft drink. (used to be 44--down-sizing :))

I began my descent into h-e-double hockey sticks very early this morning (why does my son have to be at school at 7 on the day I decided to start?)...with optimistic enthusiasm. I enjoyed the warm-up...I was tempted to just keep replaying that part...but 20 minutes of just swinging my arms wasn't going to achieve my intended results, was it? Ok, so I liked the first. Then we went into jumping jacks (short term memory is bad...I think I was still in warm up). I was a little disappointed that I was not dressed appropriately for his part. Shorts-check, shirt-check, bra-check check (teehee), diaper--oops...What the heck? Why in the world was it not written on the cover that I would need to wear a Pampers Cruiser? I.have.3 (count 'em). 3.children. I should not do jumping jacks without "back-up".

Not only was I doing jumping jacks, but we soon switched to jump-roping (imaginary) and butt kicks, which is simply jogging like a perky cheerleader. Now, if I could kick my butt with my heels, why would I need to be doing this video? Never mind that…the bigger problem was doing all of these moves that required removing your feet from the padded comfort of the carpet and letting them flail about in the cold confines of thin air (who says there isn’t thin air at 2 inches above floor level). So here I am fearful of waking the family up (4:30 AM), but between my jumping and flailing (yes, I flailed), I was afraid of all of them thinking that Indiana was having another earthquake. Geesh!!!

Long story short…too late, huh? I made it through the entire thing. I did have some choice words for Jillian when we did more push-ups. But I made it nonetheless. I may not have done every push-up or jumping jack (I did 98% of them), but what the heck…I am the beginner, right? One of the best parts was doing the ab work…’cause that meant that I got to lie down on the floor…just a little snooze, ok? I finished…and after a short recovery period beneath the ceiling fan with my bottle of water…I went upstairs to take a shower. No problem. The problem began when I came back down the stairs. By then I was already starting to feel the burn…as in with each step down, I felt as if my legs were buckling a little. Oh no, this is not looking good. Looks as if I will be showering outside tomorrow…with the garden hose.