Friday, June 26, 2009

No Matter if You're Black or White...

Yesterday was a sad day. Farrah lost her battle with cancer, Michael lost his battle with the struggle he called life...and I had an epiphany about my life that makes my throat tight and tears well up (unfortunately, this is not one that I am ready to share).

So, late morning we hear the tragic news that Farrah had passed away. I do hope that she had made piece with the Lord. She had plenty of time to prepare. She led a sun-kissed life, was a beautiful lady, but if she didn't cross those pearly gates...then it was worthless.

I did not watch the special that was on TV recently depicting the pain and struggle that she has gone through. I am one of these people that really do prefer to remember someone in the better days of their lives. I have twice visited friends who were battling the big-C ( both have since lost) and caught vomit either in my hand or a tray...and though I was happy to do that for them, I was not happy that it had to be done in the first place...darn those dreaded cells full of disease! I would much rather wear my rose colored glasses and recall the "good ole days"--so what,...shoot me.

As the world began to grieve for the poster-queen, then came the big shock. Michael Jackson had also passed away. Wha????

There has already been so much said about the musical genius of this man, and just as much said about the troubled life that he led. He didn't have time to prepare for the I truly hope that he was ready.

Years ago I read a book titled "Orion" (based loosely on Elvis) about a rock star who faked his own death to escape the hell that he felt he lived in. This was written even before that tells you how times have changed and the added pressure a star would have now. Has this been implied anywhere? Naw, not that I know of...but if I were hundreds of millions of dollars in debt...I'm just saying.

Of course I, along with roughly 45 million other people, had the Thriller album--it was high school for me (I do miss the 80's). This was also the time that Michael was actually cute (need I say more?). Oh, stars fade quickly, don't they? One of my most vivid memories was my reaction to his filming of a Pepsi commercial when his hair caught on fire. I was not a diary keeper...but a number of years ago, I found a calendar/journal or something where I had noted that tragic day...and my horror at it all. I could just feel his pain...couldn't you? But now as I watch people weeping and crying over the loss of this icon, I don't feel that pain. I just feel sadness. Sadness for the lonely, reclusive strange man that he felt that he had to become. Sadness for the children and family that he is leaving behind. Sadness for the loss of a soul that was so tortured and pained that he turned to a number of anedotes to ease his suffering. In the end, it only brought the conclusion to his saga that much quicker.

Sorry Farrah that your loss will go virtually unnoticed in the chaotic hub-bub that is Michael Jackson's funeral. Sorry that your name will barely make the ticker across the CNN screen, while his will fill nearly every channel to be flipped to. Sorry that your battle will not be chronicalized as important, and his will be idolized. But somewhere- everywhere there are men and women who died yesterday of similar circumstances as these two people, and they will be missed by their friends and family also. Social and iconic status is stripped away and each and every person appears before the Lord the exact same way...all will be judged the same...but not all will have the same results. I know what group I would rather be like...

God Bless.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Hey batter, batter...swing!

It is hot. Not just a couple of drops of persperation on your upper lip when you get out of the car. No, I mean...sweat running like a river in between two boulders (sly one, aren't I?), throbbing in your temples from the sheer force of heat hitting you when you walk out of the sweet cold air, making you cranky if you have to be out in it longer than walking from car to building (at this moment I am so thankful for my indoor desk job). And it is only June.
The other night was yet another milestone for the Taylors. We have officially ended our long-term relationship with summer sports. About 18 years ago we began this affair with America's favorite pastime, and sadly broke it off just a couple of days ago. When we first signed J up for tee ball at the YMCA we were young parents that were so excited to see our cute little guy out there running to the bases, holding his helmet on with one hand. He continued to play until the summer when he was about 13 or 14, and the politics of "making the team" (also known as- the-dad-is-coach-and-their-kids-and-their-friends-are-the-only-ones-gonna-play-on-this-team) came into play. Although I think his heart was broken (mine was, shouldn't his have been), he decided that he was done with baseball and focused on basketball. Then A started tee ball, and never quite graduated. She became too busy at 2nd base chatting with her little girlfriends or playing with one another's hair to ever love the game. Finally there was H who also began with tee ball and has kept playing until just a few days ago. I state that we are done with summer ball because next year he will be in (gulp, give me a moment) high school and will be playing for the school. They finish soon after school is my summer nights will be opened up to all new possibilities. H is a very good baseball player, and he loves the game. (Since this is my blog, I am allowed to instill the appropriate (or not) amount of pride into what I write about his skills) He mainly plays catcher, but has pitched some (too stressful for me to watch) and used to play a mean first--but catcher is his specialty. The varsity coach at school has already told him he will be the starting catcher for JV next year, and the back-up for varsity. That's cool...pretty neat for a freshman...but not good enough for H. He informed me he is going to work with a local guy (who's team just won state--with him as the catcher) to gather some pointers so that maybe H will be the best catcher in the school and will start for both JV and Varsity. Props to him!!! I am proud that he has a goal to better himself. Keep up the good work kiddo!!!
As this relationship has drawn to a close, there are no cameras in our faces broadcasting every move that we make. There is no drama playing out for others to watch our thirst for attention and fame. (If you feel that I am making a comparison to something're probably right) Nope, there is just a normal (relatively), small family who loves to spend time together putting our children first with their activities...and we didn't even have to schedule a session in make-up or editing. At this time, I think I will sadly go get the chairs out of the back of my van...and put them up. They will be readily waiting for us to join them again next spring...

Monday, June 22, 2009

Sit, heel...oh, whatever

If you are savvy enough to check the dates between postings, you will notice that it has been over a month since I last trolled on about my life. I have missed the musings, but have been soooo busy (yeah, likely excuse, huh?). Hopefully I can prioritize and get back into the swing of things. Deep breath, here we go.

Many of you know that I work for a social services agency that, among other things, works with the elderly. A huge push of ours is remaining active in the twilight years in order to maintain good health. The 2nd week of June every year is what is dubbed as Senior Games. Basically, it is about 350-400 silver haired men and women that participate in a number of physical activities throughout the week to garner glory through their accomplishments. And don't let anyone tell you that it is not about winning vs. just playing the game. These folks are serious about their games and they want that medal!!! The end of the week culminates with most of them attending a lunch out at a popular banquet facility here in town. Those that have won medals usually wear them around their neck, and preen proud as peacocks with anywhere from 2-15 Olympic-style medals hanging on their chest. If osteoporosis hadn't already gotten their stance before this day...they sure were stooped over by the end of the lunch!!! I am in charge of all of the registrations, data input and upkeep and disbursement of official results. One lady got really red (not the first year this has happened with said octogenarian) because she thought that she had the most medals out of the females. Was this not the generation that taught us to play fair, have fun and enjoy ourselves, otherwise know as "it's just a game"? Geesh...I really need a vacation after all of this is over...oh, to be saved for another day I suppose.

As Hunter remarked in awe the other day...a whole month of summer break is nearly gone!!! The kiddos have been busy...but not having as much fun as they have been working. HT has been the mini-man of the house with his dad (not mini much longer--I swear he grows an inch a month) and has been learning how to do many projects concerning the update/upkeep of a home. (The For Sale sign was officially placed in the yard last week...let's see if it does any good) He also is involved in a number of fund-raisers for his trip to National Fine Arts (you can't see me, but I am doing the "woop woop" arm movement) Miss Acacia has been juggling her 2 jobs and working an average of about 60 hours a week. I think she actually got to the pool for 45 minutes on Saturday. ( me, that is so not even worth shaving my legs for) But she did go see Wicked last night...I am so jealous. I would LOVE to see that show. She thought it was wonderful, of course...wonder if I could get her to go with me? (Tim certainly won't because his standards are fair too superior for a musical...he would rather see the inter-galactic fights of men in funny outfits and pointy ears--yeah, so much better *scoff*)

Acacia has also house and dog sat for 2 different people over the last couple of weeks. The first one was for a friend with a small problem, she had her friend Sophie stay with her and the dog and house were returned to rightful owner with seamless grace. The second assignment I do believe has left a lasting impression. It was for my son and his wife, who have 2 dogs. One is Duke, a lovable affable "dumb-jock" golden retriever. Then there is Baylee, an aggressive Blue Healer who is the smaller of the two-but the leader of the pack nevertheless. They are what Tim and I call our Grand-doggers...sorry, it's all I got, forgive me. Well anyway...Acacia told me after their (Sophie too-what a good friend) first night there...they were both mad at the dogs. Both dogs are allowed to sleep with Jordan and what could possibly stop them from sleeping with Acacia and Sophie? Acacia recounted the fact to me that she believes that her "niece and nephew" conspire with one another (am I really sending this girl to one of the finer universities in the nation?) Apparently after much "planning" Duke licked Acacia's face around 3:30 in the morning, which caused her to bolt upright in bed (truly not a fine way to be awakened). At that point, Baylee placed herself on Acacia's pillow and refused to move. She just kept rolling back and forth begging for her belly to be rubbed. All of this activity I'm sure did not go unnoticed by Sophie, who most likely has forged a contract with Acacia for no more house sitting jobs. Just a few hours later, when both girls had to be at work before 8 am...Sophie was showering, when Duke stuck his head in the curtain and proceeded to try and drink the water. (Hmmm, I wonder if I will ever see Soph around again?) Then yesterday at church Acacia was very angry when she told me that she came home to find that the dogs had eaten 2 pairs of her undies!!!! Of course, these were 2 of her favorites out of the 135 pairs that she owns (you think I'm kidding don't you--I'm not)!!! I love the responsibility that she is learning this summer...I'm almost ready for her to be able to live on her own (minus pets of course...well, maybe a fish)
I promise I shall update again soon...I'm having too much fun with the family not to share it with someone!!!