Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Fall Break...

Yes, once again I have been absent...for a long time. I am going through some changes in my life right now, and don't really feel like coming up with snappy witticisms. And believe me, you don't want to hear all the other use being a Debbie Downer to everyone.
Some day soon hopefully I will return and be able to share with you all the trauma of my fourty-something life...yep, I said trauma...'cause it has cut me...and it hurts.
My family is don't go there. Short's other people who do the cutting...not T or the kids.

Until then...

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Touched by an angel... There—I said it…
I have not written a thing since H’s birthday where I extolled his virtues all over the place…
And they still all hold true.
Here is what has gone in our humble abode since then.
My 22nd anniversary, C got a JOB (go girl), my birthday (ugh girl), A started school, T’s uncle died very unexpectedly, A had a birthday (go girl), a friend passed away unexpectedly…whew…it has been a busy couple of weeks or four….

Today I shall um, sing A’s praises…since I totally skipped her big 1-9…

For those of you that know A…would you believe that she was a big honkin’ baby? 9 lbs 3 oz I tell you…uh, huh-ouch…T called her a bowling ball with eyes and thighs…Let me just say, that has gone over very well when talking to her suitors. Tee hee…
Within a year though, she was a blonde moppet that had the Pebbles ‘do sprouting from the top of her head, with big eyes and a grown man (T) wrapped around her finger…and she just got cuter. She exuded such naïveté and innocence growing up—gullible had her picture beside it in the ole Webster’s. T used to claim that she was an angel placed here on earth to bless our lives…and we truly believed it.

A is another one of my children that knows exactly what she wants to do with her life…and it is all a matter of fashion. She has had a talent (since she was a wee little sprite) for putting pieces of clothing together and coming up with a fabulous ensemble!! Tada!!! Now, she is the first to admit that she can’t draw a stick figure…but dressing said stick figure—she’ll have at it!!! When she was in high school guys would call her and ask her to take them shopping. Not only could she pick out clothes for them, but she can sniff out a bargain like a Bassett hound—she really should have started charging them, that would help pay for college wouldn’t it? :)
To many this seems like a very superficial career…but hey, somebody’s got to do it right? None of us could go to Target, Wal-Mart or Macys and purchase anything unless someone behind the scenes purchased it for the store, right? Hopefully some day that will be my little A.

She has grown so much in the last couple of years…that we are no longer fearful for her to be out on her own in the big ole world. She has proven to be a strong, responsible, respectful, driven godly young woman…who is still our angel.

Why she blesses us:
-Humor—again, where do my kids get it? She is quick with the retort…often unexpected, but always funny.
-Beautiful—inside—we have preached forever and a day that outer beauty will fade…but inner beauty will only grow and grow.
-Caring—her heart hurts for those who hurt. She is a big softie.
-Dedicated—whether with a job (even the ones she didn’t like), school or exercise—she has sticktoitness (so off the spelling chart—but you know what I mean)
-Patient—waiting for the man that the Lord has for her…not willing to settle for anyone else—in any way shape or form
-Godly—what better gift as a parent? Keepin’ it real at a secular university!
-Loving—frustrated with her parents at times? Sure, but always loving and respectful. She loves her brudders and seester in law bunches too!!!
-Strong—I am trusting in Him to continue to build her strength—I better ‘cause she is planning to move halfway across the country next year. Little girl in a BIG city—watch out.

A was so proud when she recently told me that her boss (a non-Christian) publicly said that she sees A’s faith and knows that her morals and attitude have placed a positive spin on her places of business. In our world—that is HUGE!! What a testimony!!!!!!

Thank you Lord for blessing my life with a daughter that is also a best friend to me, and giving us the relationship that I always desired. Thank you for continuing to make her what You want her to be—both inside and out. Please keep your hand upon her and strengthen her. But most of all, thank you for our angel.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Fourteen Candles--Really, I Could See A Song Here...

Yesterday- I dropped my baby off at High School.
Yep, you heard me. High. School.
As in, some of his classmates drive, all (but him) have cell phones-so I’m told, many of the males have more hair on their face than T has on his head (true story), and grades matter.
Today- he turns 14 years old.
The joy brought into my life 14 years ago is something that I wouldn’t trade for a winning lottery ticket... I don’t think—but let me test it and get back to you

Whether some of you believe in this type of thing or not…I do, so here is our story. On Mother’s Day (I believe about ’92 or so) we were at church and the pastor was praying for all of the moms down at the altar. When I went back to my seat, T had tears streaming down his face. My first thought was that I embarrassed him, and had my skirt tucked into my undies or something… soon after he said that God told him that we would have a 3rd child and it would be special. Wow—powerful stuff, but….. I was done bearing Taylor tots…I had my boy and girl—they were healthy and beautiful, nope, I didn’t need any more thankyouverymuch. Again, I was the last one let in on the plan. When we discovered that we were again expecting in late ’94, that word “special” kept popping into my head. If you were preggers—what would you think of when you hear “special”? Yep, me too—but he was born a purple, peeing, perfect little man. Only later would I discover what “special” meant to Him.

Here is His definition of “special”~

-Happy. More joy than most teen-age boys. No sullen attitude, no pouting, no moping…
-Friendly. Makes friends easier than anyone I know. Everyone knows H, everyone likes H-no matter if they are 3 years old and listening to the Wiggles or 60 something and enjoying the early bird special at Golden Corral, he can charm them in moments.
-Compassionate. The “last kid picked for the team” never will sit there alone when H is around, he feels for that kid and will go talk to him.
-Loving. Hates to show it in front of others, but loves his mama…would protect me to the end. Very chivalrous to me and his sis.
-Talented. Read previous posts. This boy has a future in the music industry. End of story.
-Godly. Doesn’t hesitate to tell friends they need to do right from wrong. Wants to grow in Him.
-Evangelistic. Blows us away with the words given to him by Him. Guarantee that folks will join the Kingdom b/c of what He is planting in H.
-Beautiful. He would hate this, but he is—inside, where it absolutely counts. Because of all of the above, he is a wonderful creation…and I am proud that he is sharing my genes.
-Passionate. To know what his future holds at such a young age, and to be dedicated to that cause and willing to do whatever is necessary to attain it…oh I wish I were even a little like this.
-Funny. Don’t know if it is because he spends so much time with T or what, but this kid can have me rolling rather consistently. Love, love it.

Ok, ok, so I am singing his praises today. I don’t need a slap in the face to wake up to reality and realize that I am honoring a teenage boy who will undoubtedly disappoint me a time or two. He is not perfect…no implication of that here. But he is truly a gift from God. I often call him the light in our house. I think what I am most excited about is seeing what is coming in his future.
Whether he is a youth pastor, music minister, teacher, sanitation collector, helicopter pilot, singer…whatever…I know that he will be the best that he can…’cause he’s my little Hunter-man. And I love him.

Happy Birthday Big Guy!!!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

In a State of Son-Shine

Yes, I have finally returned. After a long grueling week of “vacation” in the beautiful, sunny state of Florida…I was oh so happy to return to my blissful surroundings of excessive laundry, mosquitoes, dust on the mantle and the exciting life of an administrative assistant. Obviously I am struggling with my return to reality just a bit.

As I have posted before, H had the National Fine Arts competition in Orlando, and we took his worship team, 2 female soloists, a quartet and a male soloist. Out of the mix our male soloist made the final 16 in the nation. Pretty impressive, huh? The worship team missed moving onto the second round by 0.33—do you see that decimal in there? It may have been a few years since I’ve done the new math, but I know that is pretty stinking close!!! They totally rocked!!! I was so proud of each of the kids—they handled defeat with dignity and grace…while the moms kicked, stomped, stuck out our lower lips, crossed our arms and generally looked sour. Or maybe that was when we needed a diet coke…oh, whatever…..

We had 22 people travel (11 kids—11 adults)—and split the housing situation 13 to 9 (7 bdr/6 bdr). H and I were in the larger of the 2—it had a pool, game room, 4 bathrooms and a gator in the back pond. Yes, you heard me…a live gator. One morning I was washing up some breakfast dishes and looked out across the pool and saw this “log” gliding across the water. One of the boys told me that I said, “No way—no way…are you kidding me…there’s an alligator outside!—really it was all a blur…I don’t believe for a second that I am really that dramatic. So, all of us scrambled outside to the edge of the screened in pool (looking back, that flimsy little screening wouldn’t have saved us-would it?) with cameras clicking and mouths agape. About that time we noticed two men walking near the edge of the water who were there to retrieve the said perpetrator (I’ve been watching Without a Trace at 5 in the am, what can I say). They received a call a day and a half before…but Mr. I-could-be-a-really-cute-purse-and-shoes…was a pond over then…therefore (do the math) he had somehow traveled to our pond. Now, we were not in the Everglades or Camp Swampy…we were in a beautiful subdivision!!! What the heck? Can you even imagine taking out the trash to be greeted by that at the garage door? I digress though…long story short…they didn’t catch him (the whole week), they said he was about 6 ½ feet (really?) and within 2 days…he had a friend out there with him (smaller one). Yeah, obviously I didn’t spend much time cruising around the mossy edge.

Other than the gator(s) our week was filled with fun, laughter, drama, food, worship, Tony Dungy, music, heat, sweat and a pretty blue convertible. Uh, huh, that’s right--we had reserved a full size car, but when we went to pick up they offered us a rag-top for the same price—how could we say no? The last night we were there, my friend Julie and I (we shared the car) decided to enjoy it for one last time. We pulled over in front of the Convention Center right by all the security guys and lowered the top, then rounded the curve and screeched to a halt b/c the sprinklers had kicked on. Not your typical little sprinkle across the grass type, but a huge Old Faithful geyser of water shooting 10 feet in the air and coming back down…right in the road…at the stop sign!!! Seriously, I couldn’t make this up… After shrieks of laughter and considerable debate, we pulled our best Thelma and Louise and blew the stop sign…and continued on our way!!!

The week was a great time of memories and fun. I hope that H always recalls his growth that week (let me tell you—I’m glad he’s a boy and not a drama-filled girl), the Hulk at Universal, free hi-fives, late nights, early mornings and dreams of his future and where he wants to go with it. I am so proud to have a fun young man of God growing up in my house that can make everyone laugh, make friends with anyone, make fun of himself, and enjoy life. Ahhh….life is good, no matter what state you may be in.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Friends Are The Family We Choose For Ourselves...

Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear Neeter
Happy Birthday to you

How old are you?...Ok, I'll stop right there. 'Cause I know exactly how old you are. You are one month (minus 2 days) older than moi!!! 29 will suffice for now, right?

My very best friend in the whole world (T is not included in this count--he and Jesus are exempt) Anita Lucille Chase Bowen is celebrating a birthday today. We have been great friends since 4th grade-And.that.was.a.very.long.time.ago.

When I was at the end of my sophomore year in high school, my family moved from our little country house into the big city, therefore causing me to transfer schools. But Anita was my one friend from the old school that I remained close to. I can recall spending the night with her on many occasions, including sleeping in the drafty area of her co-op(college-ahhh)...or did I sleep on the floor of her room? Ok, apparently I can't recall...but I really did it!!!

When I got married she was one of my bridesmaids, and when she walked the aisle, she loved me enough to have me be one of her bridesmaids even though I was about 7 months preggo with A. A couple of weekends ago we were watching a video of my wedding, and H commented on the fact that Anita looks exactly the same except for she had bigger hair in the video (it was '87 mind you). I'd say that she has aged rather well, don'tcha think?

We call each other our "Forever Friend", which obviously means we will either be friends forever, or it seems as if we have been friends forever...take your pick-you get the picture.
Anita is my friend that I can tell anything to...from fights that T and I have(rare-but true), to problems with my kids, to feminine issues, work issues, family issues, money name it--we share it. She is so willing to provide a shoulder to cry on when friends and family treat me poorly, I don't have enough money in the bank to "keep up with the Joneses", I'm having a bad hair day--you know what I mean...all with a godly heart and intent. Aren't you jealous?

But on the other hand...we have shared some incredibly fun memories. Bon Jovi? How about that, huh? We were there-and-it-was-awesome. We also have seen Garth Brooks together--which one do you think was in our earlier years? She was also my first friend to come to the hospital after all of my children were born--they call her Aunt...and she is. She has been a sister to me, a sister of the heart.

One time when I was having car trouble in a vehicle, she was ready and willing to push my van backwards out of a parking spot at the Mall, all while wearing her work clothes. I hope she is still able to push-cause I'm having car trouble...again. Did I mention that on top of knowing one another for so many years,we work together? When I was re-entering the workforce, she told me of a job at the Agency where she works...and I got the job!! Our offices share a wall...can't get much better than that!!!! We have now worked together for over 10 years, and I miss the times that she is not here b/c I love our daily catch-ups. After work one night, I vividly recall attending a home sales party at another friends' that was a little wild for us mild souls...but the experiences that we went through are some of our greatest chuckles.

For our big four-oh ...we threw ourselves a grand party in a hotel suite here in town, and had someone that sells designer replica purses come and set up, as well as offer chair massages and polish changes for anyone interested. It was so much fun...and we deserved it!!! Yes we did.

We deserved it because we had been through ~
first kisses
shoulder pads
Bon Jovi
big hair
blue eyeshadow/liner
leg warmers
Duran Duran
hate...ok, dislike
Bon Jovi (worth a repeat)
90210-only the original
growth in Christ

see...we have survived the spectrum...

Love you matter how old we are, no matter how cranky we may become, no matter if we share a wall in a nursing home...
we shall always be...
Forever Friends

Monday, July 13, 2009

Come On Get Happy... :)

Ahhh, back to Monday. Work just keeps popping up, doesn't it? Oh well, sometimes I actually miss it (the old job-o) when I am off...b/c it keeps me in a routine. I will not admit this in public by any means, not even under severe torture.

Friday night the youth had a fund-raiser at Sacred Grounds (local coffeehouse) to raise moola for the National Festival. It was a smashing success, with over 100 there. I am again swollen with pride over my son. Yes, I realize that I go on and on about him and his musical accomplishments, but really...I gotta'. He is just so stinking incredible!!!!

I also realized that he is too comfortable up in front of a crowd. He would get up to the mic and chat with the crowd. All the while I am vigorously shaking my head "No" as in "Shut up and step away from the mic". What is a well-intentioned Mom to do? I know that I had more stage-fright than he did, it was totally cool for him to converse with them...they loved it.

Various youth ministered in a number of ways from solos, instrumentals, duets, quartets, a rock band and our awesome worship team. The Lord has blessed all of these kids with wonderful gifts that were then used to bless and minister to others. Isn't that the whole plan? I know that some in the audience were appalled when there was some (not a lot) of "scream-o" in H's rock band. It may not have appealed to them, but for someone, somewhere, at some was the perfect tool to touch a life. H wrote all of the songs that his group did, and I know that the words came from the recesses of his heart--a heart that loves the Lord and is serving Him in whatever way he can...there just happens to be a boy in the band that loves to do the growling singing as an accompanyment to regular song. A little bit out of the box never hurt anyone, did it?

It was asked what we could do with these kids next...and I suggested getting a bus, and painting it like the Partridge Family and hitting the road. I was kidding (half), but now that I really think about it...what a great idea!!! I wish there was a venue (or traveling kind) where our group could reach out and touch kids their age...and show the love of God...hmmmm....the thinking cap is on and in place-watch out!!!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

"And don't it feel good..."

In my opinion, summer is the one season that evokes memories (good and bad) of a time past.
Certain sounds, smells, tastes or activities can evoke thoughts days gone by like it was…um, yesterday. For me, music plays such a large role in our life, but it also defines many of my memories. I was perusing through some playlists which got me to thinking about my favorite summer songs. Hang on, keep all hands inside the compartment…the ride is about to begin.

1) “Kokomo”-Beach Boys
-T and I went to Kokomo for our honeymoon-really did, just not the one the Boys sing about.

2) “Summertime”-New Kids on the Block
-Love me some NKOTB…young or old…this is my ringtone on my phone.

3) “Live Like You Were Dying”-Tim McGraw
-Just love this one…good creed for life. Like seeing Tim’s bare feet in video (is that creepy?)

4) “Summer of 69”-Bryan Adams
-Ahhh…high school. No, not in ’69, but ’85—geesh

5) “Walking on Sunshine”-Katrina and the Waves
-Meant to make one happy…and it works

6) “Good Vibrations”-Marky Mark
-Yeah, sure he can act…but he could um, sing too? Abs-olutely

7) “All Summer Long”-Kid Rock
-Hopefully will be the only song I ever like by this guy-shamed to admit

8) “Paradise City”-Guns and Roses
-Classic…video of the tots rockin’ it. Bad, bad parent

9) “No Rain”-Blind Melon
-Old friends…sad

10) “Summer Nights” –Rascal Flatts
-New fave…just is fun!!!

11) “Strawberry Wine”-Deanna Carter
-I remember my first love (he’s bald now)

12) “Summertime”-Kenny Chesney
-Perfect summer song. Love, love, love it!!!

13) “Soak Up the Sun”-Sheryl Crow
-Only song I truly like from her too. How life should be.

14) “We Built this City”-Jefferson Starship
-Freshman year of college. Rockin’ at PU football games

15) “Went Out Last Night”-Kenny Chesney
-Love this guy-he knows how to have a good time

16) “Love Bug”-Jonas Brothers
-Yes, I love these boys. More shame…want H to be one

17) “You Give Love a Bad Name”-Bon Jovi
-No shame in loving Jon…T is fully aware…and jealous

18) “Tearing Up My Heart”-N’Sync
-Apparently I have a soft spot for boy bands.

19) “I Love Rock n Roll”-Joan Jett
-You gotta love the classics

20) “MmmBop”-Hanson
-Mmmmm, ok…move on

21) “Gonna Make You Sweat”-C&C Music Factory
-Great workout music…if I worked out

22) “We Got the Beat”-Go-Go’s
-Girl bands rock!!! Always try to do drum part…and fail

23) “Living on a Prayer”-Bon Jovi
-Nuff said

24) “Baby One More Time”-Britney Spears
-Sorry, I like it though

25) “Boondocks”-Little Big Town
-Love ‘em…them folks can sing!

Wish someone would make an album of them all ‘cause my 8-track player is on the fritz. I’ll just go record them onto a tape when they play on the radio.
-I know some of you know exactly what I mean, don’t kid yourself.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

You Can Pick Your Friends, But You Can't Pick Your Family

My extended holiday weekend is over and my schedule may now resume to its normally chaotic schedule. Anyone around here knows that the weather on the 4th left much to be desired. The next day was absolutely gorgeous...good thing 'cause it was a busy one.

Our church was hosting a 5th of July celebration that included food and music and capped off with a gorgeous fireworks display. Our fine arts kids (and parents) were to sell drinks during the event with all proceeds going towards their trip (National Fine Arts Festival). The afternoon was set aside to set up, put drinks on ice, and get a good practice in before the crowds arrived.

Looks fine on paper...

Practice began around 5 with sound check. Hunter would be singing a song that he wrote, and play guitar as he sang. He practiced the song (which I had not heard before--I was impressed, of course) and then they began practicing the stomp routine. Cut to the next moment when I see someone running toward H who is now off the stage and bent over at the waist in the grass. From where I was, I thought maybe he was overheated b/c I could clearly see that his face was beet red and it looked as if he were throwing up...(sorry for the visual)

I proudly kept my cool as I walked toward him and then I heard someone say...

"I think he's choking"...and then I ran.

By the time I reached him, he was still gagging, coughing and spitting. But he was breathing, which was a good sign...and his face was red and not blue. Apparently, my 13 y/o, in all his wonderful teen wisdom had swallowed his guitar pick. Really? Not once when my kids were Taylor Tots (say it fast- funny, huh?) did they swallow things. (2 1/2 HOURS BEFORE HE WAS TO PERFORM!!!)

I helplessly stood by while my baby was in obvious agony. He could breathe, but was hurting beyond his wildest dreams. My heart broke for him as he tried to cough it up or something...but was gone. After consulting a GI nurse (later H said all he could think of was Joe when we mentioned GI), I shakily called his dad to announce that we needed to head to the ER. Being married for so long, all I had to do was say "Hey" when Tim answered the phone and he instantly asked what was wrong. We roll like that...which is good, I guess. is the shortened version of the next few hours;
Arrive at ER--make nurses laugh when I announce our reason
Go to triage room--H still in obvious pain when swallowing
T arrives--all is well
Dr arrives--more laughter (subdued...she was a professional you know)
H continues to spit into a bag b/c it hurts to swallow
I leave room to potty (neverending) and H asks T if this might kill him (*sniff*)
T's heart breaks, but he told H he has dibs on his drums and guitar
H unceremoniously tells T to shut up--he feels better about the future now
H talks non-stop (except for when spitting) THE ENTIRE TIME
Informed via text that show is pushed back should triumphant return occur
H goes to x-ray
Pick is found down in tummy
Surgery ruled out (appropriate time for Hallelujuah chorus)
H asks if he can sing
Given medical equivalent of snot to numb his throat
Medicine causes numbing and talking like a male fashion designer (lisp)
Nurses and Dr wish H luck--expect autographs someday
Hunger returns to 13 y/o--life is back to normal
We arrive back at the church about 30 minutes before the youth are to go on. Know what? H starts off the show singing his song (I was so stinkin proud) then proceeds to do the stomp routine.
Somewhere in the deep recesses of his stomach lurks a plastic little pick just waiting to emerge.
H keeps checking to see if it has shown up...yep there it is, that taste of vomit in my mouth (strong gag reflex). But so far nothing...let's hope this is the final time the rubber gloves ever have to be donned.

Friday, June 26, 2009

No Matter if You're Black or White...

Yesterday was a sad day. Farrah lost her battle with cancer, Michael lost his battle with the struggle he called life...and I had an epiphany about my life that makes my throat tight and tears well up (unfortunately, this is not one that I am ready to share).

So, late morning we hear the tragic news that Farrah had passed away. I do hope that she had made piece with the Lord. She had plenty of time to prepare. She led a sun-kissed life, was a beautiful lady, but if she didn't cross those pearly gates...then it was worthless.

I did not watch the special that was on TV recently depicting the pain and struggle that she has gone through. I am one of these people that really do prefer to remember someone in the better days of their lives. I have twice visited friends who were battling the big-C ( both have since lost) and caught vomit either in my hand or a tray...and though I was happy to do that for them, I was not happy that it had to be done in the first place...darn those dreaded cells full of disease! I would much rather wear my rose colored glasses and recall the "good ole days"--so what,...shoot me.

As the world began to grieve for the poster-queen, then came the big shock. Michael Jackson had also passed away. Wha????

There has already been so much said about the musical genius of this man, and just as much said about the troubled life that he led. He didn't have time to prepare for the I truly hope that he was ready.

Years ago I read a book titled "Orion" (based loosely on Elvis) about a rock star who faked his own death to escape the hell that he felt he lived in. This was written even before that tells you how times have changed and the added pressure a star would have now. Has this been implied anywhere? Naw, not that I know of...but if I were hundreds of millions of dollars in debt...I'm just saying.

Of course I, along with roughly 45 million other people, had the Thriller album--it was high school for me (I do miss the 80's). This was also the time that Michael was actually cute (need I say more?). Oh, stars fade quickly, don't they? One of my most vivid memories was my reaction to his filming of a Pepsi commercial when his hair caught on fire. I was not a diary keeper...but a number of years ago, I found a calendar/journal or something where I had noted that tragic day...and my horror at it all. I could just feel his pain...couldn't you? But now as I watch people weeping and crying over the loss of this icon, I don't feel that pain. I just feel sadness. Sadness for the lonely, reclusive strange man that he felt that he had to become. Sadness for the children and family that he is leaving behind. Sadness for the loss of a soul that was so tortured and pained that he turned to a number of anedotes to ease his suffering. In the end, it only brought the conclusion to his saga that much quicker.

Sorry Farrah that your loss will go virtually unnoticed in the chaotic hub-bub that is Michael Jackson's funeral. Sorry that your name will barely make the ticker across the CNN screen, while his will fill nearly every channel to be flipped to. Sorry that your battle will not be chronicalized as important, and his will be idolized. But somewhere- everywhere there are men and women who died yesterday of similar circumstances as these two people, and they will be missed by their friends and family also. Social and iconic status is stripped away and each and every person appears before the Lord the exact same way...all will be judged the same...but not all will have the same results. I know what group I would rather be like...

God Bless.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Hey batter, batter...swing!

It is hot. Not just a couple of drops of persperation on your upper lip when you get out of the car. No, I mean...sweat running like a river in between two boulders (sly one, aren't I?), throbbing in your temples from the sheer force of heat hitting you when you walk out of the sweet cold air, making you cranky if you have to be out in it longer than walking from car to building (at this moment I am so thankful for my indoor desk job). And it is only June.
The other night was yet another milestone for the Taylors. We have officially ended our long-term relationship with summer sports. About 18 years ago we began this affair with America's favorite pastime, and sadly broke it off just a couple of days ago. When we first signed J up for tee ball at the YMCA we were young parents that were so excited to see our cute little guy out there running to the bases, holding his helmet on with one hand. He continued to play until the summer when he was about 13 or 14, and the politics of "making the team" (also known as- the-dad-is-coach-and-their-kids-and-their-friends-are-the-only-ones-gonna-play-on-this-team) came into play. Although I think his heart was broken (mine was, shouldn't his have been), he decided that he was done with baseball and focused on basketball. Then A started tee ball, and never quite graduated. She became too busy at 2nd base chatting with her little girlfriends or playing with one another's hair to ever love the game. Finally there was H who also began with tee ball and has kept playing until just a few days ago. I state that we are done with summer ball because next year he will be in (gulp, give me a moment) high school and will be playing for the school. They finish soon after school is my summer nights will be opened up to all new possibilities. H is a very good baseball player, and he loves the game. (Since this is my blog, I am allowed to instill the appropriate (or not) amount of pride into what I write about his skills) He mainly plays catcher, but has pitched some (too stressful for me to watch) and used to play a mean first--but catcher is his specialty. The varsity coach at school has already told him he will be the starting catcher for JV next year, and the back-up for varsity. That's cool...pretty neat for a freshman...but not good enough for H. He informed me he is going to work with a local guy (who's team just won state--with him as the catcher) to gather some pointers so that maybe H will be the best catcher in the school and will start for both JV and Varsity. Props to him!!! I am proud that he has a goal to better himself. Keep up the good work kiddo!!!
As this relationship has drawn to a close, there are no cameras in our faces broadcasting every move that we make. There is no drama playing out for others to watch our thirst for attention and fame. (If you feel that I am making a comparison to something're probably right) Nope, there is just a normal (relatively), small family who loves to spend time together putting our children first with their activities...and we didn't even have to schedule a session in make-up or editing. At this time, I think I will sadly go get the chairs out of the back of my van...and put them up. They will be readily waiting for us to join them again next spring...

Monday, June 22, 2009

Sit, heel...oh, whatever

If you are savvy enough to check the dates between postings, you will notice that it has been over a month since I last trolled on about my life. I have missed the musings, but have been soooo busy (yeah, likely excuse, huh?). Hopefully I can prioritize and get back into the swing of things. Deep breath, here we go.

Many of you know that I work for a social services agency that, among other things, works with the elderly. A huge push of ours is remaining active in the twilight years in order to maintain good health. The 2nd week of June every year is what is dubbed as Senior Games. Basically, it is about 350-400 silver haired men and women that participate in a number of physical activities throughout the week to garner glory through their accomplishments. And don't let anyone tell you that it is not about winning vs. just playing the game. These folks are serious about their games and they want that medal!!! The end of the week culminates with most of them attending a lunch out at a popular banquet facility here in town. Those that have won medals usually wear them around their neck, and preen proud as peacocks with anywhere from 2-15 Olympic-style medals hanging on their chest. If osteoporosis hadn't already gotten their stance before this day...they sure were stooped over by the end of the lunch!!! I am in charge of all of the registrations, data input and upkeep and disbursement of official results. One lady got really red (not the first year this has happened with said octogenarian) because she thought that she had the most medals out of the females. Was this not the generation that taught us to play fair, have fun and enjoy ourselves, otherwise know as "it's just a game"? Geesh...I really need a vacation after all of this is over...oh, to be saved for another day I suppose.

As Hunter remarked in awe the other day...a whole month of summer break is nearly gone!!! The kiddos have been busy...but not having as much fun as they have been working. HT has been the mini-man of the house with his dad (not mini much longer--I swear he grows an inch a month) and has been learning how to do many projects concerning the update/upkeep of a home. (The For Sale sign was officially placed in the yard last week...let's see if it does any good) He also is involved in a number of fund-raisers for his trip to National Fine Arts (you can't see me, but I am doing the "woop woop" arm movement) Miss Acacia has been juggling her 2 jobs and working an average of about 60 hours a week. I think she actually got to the pool for 45 minutes on Saturday. ( me, that is so not even worth shaving my legs for) But she did go see Wicked last night...I am so jealous. I would LOVE to see that show. She thought it was wonderful, of course...wonder if I could get her to go with me? (Tim certainly won't because his standards are fair too superior for a musical...he would rather see the inter-galactic fights of men in funny outfits and pointy ears--yeah, so much better *scoff*)

Acacia has also house and dog sat for 2 different people over the last couple of weeks. The first one was for a friend with a small problem, she had her friend Sophie stay with her and the dog and house were returned to rightful owner with seamless grace. The second assignment I do believe has left a lasting impression. It was for my son and his wife, who have 2 dogs. One is Duke, a lovable affable "dumb-jock" golden retriever. Then there is Baylee, an aggressive Blue Healer who is the smaller of the two-but the leader of the pack nevertheless. They are what Tim and I call our Grand-doggers...sorry, it's all I got, forgive me. Well anyway...Acacia told me after their (Sophie too-what a good friend) first night there...they were both mad at the dogs. Both dogs are allowed to sleep with Jordan and what could possibly stop them from sleeping with Acacia and Sophie? Acacia recounted the fact to me that she believes that her "niece and nephew" conspire with one another (am I really sending this girl to one of the finer universities in the nation?) Apparently after much "planning" Duke licked Acacia's face around 3:30 in the morning, which caused her to bolt upright in bed (truly not a fine way to be awakened). At that point, Baylee placed herself on Acacia's pillow and refused to move. She just kept rolling back and forth begging for her belly to be rubbed. All of this activity I'm sure did not go unnoticed by Sophie, who most likely has forged a contract with Acacia for no more house sitting jobs. Just a few hours later, when both girls had to be at work before 8 am...Sophie was showering, when Duke stuck his head in the curtain and proceeded to try and drink the water. (Hmmm, I wonder if I will ever see Soph around again?) Then yesterday at church Acacia was very angry when she told me that she came home to find that the dogs had eaten 2 pairs of her undies!!!! Of course, these were 2 of her favorites out of the 135 pairs that she owns (you think I'm kidding don't you--I'm not)!!! I love the responsibility that she is learning this summer...I'm almost ready for her to be able to live on her own (minus pets of course...well, maybe a fish)
I promise I shall update again soon...I'm having too much fun with the family not to share it with someone!!!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Divine Text

I have approximately 2 minutes and 17 seconds to pound out something that resembles a post here. So, just let me say...

I am not a big American Idol watcher (I got interested when people started talking about Danny Gokey--and saying that Hunter looked like him)...but over the last few weeks I knew who I didn't want to win...and GOD IS GOOD!!!

I am so pleased that the underdog-Chi Alpha-boy next door-married to a woman Kris Allen won that I can't see straight (no pun intended...sorta).

To all of those that say America didn't get it right, or bigoted American's aren't ready for someone that is different...let me just say...GOD IS GOOD!!!
Ok, I have overrun my time limit by about 30 seconds. Time to put "No Boundries" on my playlist.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Merry Maids

You may have noticed me on your carton of 2% recently...'cause I have been missing! I have been so swamped that I haven't had time to write about anything. Not to mention, my life just isn't that exciting. (I am not sure how some people do it--and keep others entertained) I am still shredding--but not as much, and I will admit...I miss it. My life has been so chaotic as of late that I simply can not get myself up at 4:30 in the morning to jump around after 5 hours of sleep. I am just exhausted. Why? You ask...well, let me tell you.

We decided to put our house up for sell and have been cleaning everything out in order to make it presentable. On the surface, most things looked presentable...but lurking beneath the surface is the most horrendous of rodents...the packrat. Not something that you want to have around when you are attempting to sell, if you catch my drift.

Here is the breakdown for the hubster and I. I am a spender...I buy items on sale (Target clearance and I have a special bond) in preparation for gifts for birthdays, graduations, holidays, getting-your-haircut-'cause-it' know, the special moments. This is all well and good...but then I would go stick them in a certain closet...never to see them again. This equates to a lot of money wasted that was all originally intended for good. I spent hours cleaning that closet out this weekend...and let me tell you...Goodwill will make a killing off of me and my poor spending habits. I took 2 loads to them already (and I bet there is at least one more). My only consolation is that I am helping someone else out. :)

The hubby is a packrat. I.mean.really. He hates to get rid of anything. He also is a list-maker. He makes a list everyday consisting of calls to make, people to see, things to do. This equates to lots of notebooks and scraps of paper. He hesitates to throw any of them away b/c he may not have finished the list. He also is much more sentimental about items. When cleaning out the attic last week, we ran across the box (oh yeah, he saves boxes in case we need to take anything back) for one of our kids baby walkers!! I will fill you in on the fact that the only baby we have around is almost 14 (and I don't think it was the walker for him!). After much arm twisting, hair pulling and begging (we're hands-on communicators)...he threw tons of boxes away-woohoo!! Now he is currently going through papers and burning them or tossing if they don't have personal information on them. Do you think that it is necessary to save a receipt from 1997? I don't either...but it has been a slow and arduous process to convince the Tim-meister. On a positive note, we did find the notebook that he wrote in on our wedding day (1987)...his list said things like; go tan (no preachin'!), take rose to Chris (that's ME), get married(like he would forget?!)While on the subject of our wedding...we came across our toasting glasses. He wanted to keep them, and I didn't. I didn't think that we would get much use out of two filthy glasses that say bride and groo(printing had rubbed off the 'm')...and Acacia firmly stated that she wouldn't use them (she'll be much smarter and use a pair that may actually work in her kitchen). So off they went to victories have been few--but mighty.

Off I go to tackle another project...while my legs begin to flab up again, my triceps wave hello-hello-hello...and my abs are expanding like one of those compact washclothes that grow when you add water. But that's ok...Jillian will be waiting on my return...and I'm sure she will let me know how very much she missed me...

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Day 2--Shred Away!!!

Ok…I took yesterday off from shredding…simply because I needed the recovery period. I recognized this as I was contemplating sliding down the stairs on my bottom in order to get downstairs to the family room. Decided against the sliding thing because of the jarring that it would cause in my head…thus producing a headache…in the only place on my body that wasn’t sore-and I really needed to keep that area sacred. But today I am back with a vengeance…well, vengeance might be a tad bit strong…but whatever.

Many of you will be glad to know that showering with the garden hose has gone well; little chilly that early in the morning…but well nevertheless. (Thank the Lord that we live in 5 acres of woods…and the leaves are back on the trees…otherwise our neighbors would see a whole new side of me.)
By the way…have you ever seen a raccoon giggle and point? Let’s just say…it happens.

While lying on the floor doing my abs—yes, I have abs…just well hidden, they are shy.
Anyways…while lying on the floor I realized many things. Prepare yourself for the list.

1. I like the ab work. Never thought I would say that…but it gives me a chance to lie down, and does not involve doing a push-up.
2. I need a pedicure.
3. Did you know if you have the ceiling fan going, that you can not see the amount of dust that is built up on the blades? Eureka—time to invite friends over…with the fan on.
4. I need a tan. My legs are scary white. Wrote about this quite a while back…apparently have done very little about it.
5. I realize that Jillian is lazy. She is not even doing the shred. She keeps walking around going back and forth to her little helpers and showing us how to do it like them. I don’t see any sweat on her brow. Matter of fact…I think her abs are airbrushed.
6. I really need a pedicure.
7. While feet up in air to do crunches, realized that laws of gravity naturally make everything head down to the floor where I lie. Reverse this to when I stand up…law of gravity means that natural sag heads to floor…towards my feet. Thus explains the “unperkiness” of Debbie and Diane (the D twins) and the fact that I have chubby ankles. Wow, I love science. Sir Isaac Newton was a brilliant man. This has made my brain tired…because obviously it is puddle somewhere around the bottom of my calves.
8. Ab work has been over for approximately 10 seconds while I look at the spot near my knee where I have missed shaving for oh, I don’t know…days maybe.

Finished. For the day…if I do this thing again tonight, at say…11:45, which will stretch into about 12:15 tomorrow…can I count it as doing it for 2 days? Uh huh…I like math too.

Gotta run. Really that is just a phrase…I will not be running—quite possibly ever.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


I did it. I have officially begun my shred. Mind you, I would much prefer to be shredding lettuce, cheese or even bank statements...but no, I have joined the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred. Consider me ready to be committed...not to the 30 day process...but to the psych ward.

Back to Ms. Michaels. A number of bloggers have begun to do I thought (mistakenly), why not give it a try? Good thing I only "see" these women over the ' I may have to pull a Bob Sanders and throw someone down if I saw them in person (I say this as if I could actually throw someone down right now). I do believe that I have discovered Saddam Hussein reborn in a sports bra. This woman is not very nice...she has no qualms about forcing an out of shape, overweight, middle-aged, I-work-at-a-desk, chocolate-is-my-happiness woman into a quivering pile of rubbery muscles (term used loosely) and sweaty pits. You know, there is a level 1--for beginners, right? Wrong! Level 1 had me doing numerous ...are you ready for this...push-ups!!! Who does push-ups as a beginner??? Even though I did the girly kind...that is a lot of abuse for the part of my body that normally only holds a 32 oz. soft drink. (used to be 44--down-sizing :))

I began my descent into h-e-double hockey sticks very early this morning (why does my son have to be at school at 7 on the day I decided to start?)...with optimistic enthusiasm. I enjoyed the warm-up...I was tempted to just keep replaying that part...but 20 minutes of just swinging my arms wasn't going to achieve my intended results, was it? Ok, so I liked the first. Then we went into jumping jacks (short term memory is bad...I think I was still in warm up). I was a little disappointed that I was not dressed appropriately for his part. Shorts-check, shirt-check, bra-check check (teehee), diaper--oops...What the heck? Why in the world was it not written on the cover that I would need to wear a Pampers Cruiser? I.have.3 (count 'em). 3.children. I should not do jumping jacks without "back-up".

Not only was I doing jumping jacks, but we soon switched to jump-roping (imaginary) and butt kicks, which is simply jogging like a perky cheerleader. Now, if I could kick my butt with my heels, why would I need to be doing this video? Never mind that…the bigger problem was doing all of these moves that required removing your feet from the padded comfort of the carpet and letting them flail about in the cold confines of thin air (who says there isn’t thin air at 2 inches above floor level). So here I am fearful of waking the family up (4:30 AM), but between my jumping and flailing (yes, I flailed), I was afraid of all of them thinking that Indiana was having another earthquake. Geesh!!!

Long story short…too late, huh? I made it through the entire thing. I did have some choice words for Jillian when we did more push-ups. But I made it nonetheless. I may not have done every push-up or jumping jack (I did 98% of them), but what the heck…I am the beginner, right? One of the best parts was doing the ab work…’cause that meant that I got to lie down on the floor…just a little snooze, ok? I finished…and after a short recovery period beneath the ceiling fan with my bottle of water…I went upstairs to take a shower. No problem. The problem began when I came back down the stairs. By then I was already starting to feel the burn…as in with each step down, I felt as if my legs were buckling a little. Oh no, this is not looking good. Looks as if I will be showering outside tomorrow…with the garden hose.

Monday, April 27, 2009

The Grand Prize Game!!!

I would love to be one of those bloggers that writes something witty and entertaining every day. But I'm not. Not only do I not have the time to perform such a herculean task...but I don't believe that I have that much humor in me. It has been stolen...

I used to be funny. Matter of fact, I was voted Class Clown in high school (the female version...I don't remember who the male version was). This is something that I really should be quite proud of. I had only been going to that school for a little over a year (arrived beginning of junior yr.) and the voting was done early in our senior somehow I had made a name for myself through my attempts to make my classmates and teachers crack a smile. But why oh why couldn't I have been voted prettiest hair (I used Pert back then-remember shampoo and conditioner in one fell swoop), prettiest smile (despite my one little crooked incisor), best body (yeah...won't go there), biggest flirt (Cover Girl mascara gave me very fluttery eyelashes), or most likely to succeed(seriously...only the so called "geeks" were guaranteed success)? No, I get the one title that conjures up pictures of Bozo and make-up applied by a drunk person. Go figure.

A few years ago my kids were looking through my senior yearbook and came across the picture of me and the biggest flirt (his nickname was "Pugs"-my own nickname shall remain unknown)...and with a sense of wonder and awe saw my most illustrious title...and asked what had happened? What, like I wasn't just a thigh-slap a minute? I very seriously pointed to each of them (Hubby included) and, and you, and you and most especially you. They failed to find the humor in that.

I will say that I believe that my hubby is by far one of the funniest people I know. There are times that I can't make my self laugh at his lame jokes (I try, I really do)...but at other times I laugh so hard that it makes tears run down my white pancake makeup ;-). The simple fact that he can have such a great sense of humor while battling all of his health issues is enough to keep me smiling. Somehow each of my children have inherited their own distinct bit of humor (so much for the adoption rumor I was starting). Jordan is just silly...whenever I get to see him (again, not nearly enough) he has me rolling. He has a way of playing the "dumb jock/redneck" that just cracks me up. Acacia may look all cute, but she can throw a funny zinger when you are least expecting it, 'cause as she states...she's a college student (sorry, you had to be there). Hunter is so much like his dad (great, I have 2 of them?!) that I should be on my knees now calling on the angels to prepare his future wifey.

Back to those whom I have discovered to be really funny bloggers. These women literally crack me up!!! I hope that some day I can join their ranks and let the giggles flow from the tips of my fingers as easily as they seem to do. Until then, I will be like Miss California...reaching for the title( Miss Chuckle/Snort/Guffaw)--and only by a "question" of fate will I never get to wear the sash. (Get it?--I will address this soon) Keep up the good work have touched more lives than those who will ever leave comments on your blogs...and all for a good cause--to keep us ladies smiling and looking forward to tomorrow's words of "wisdom". :0)

Monday, April 20, 2009

Big Ears, Buck Teeth and Long Tails?

We (as in Hunter—Tim and I were the support team) had Fine Arts this weekend. (FYI-Fine Arts is competition between high schoolers (and a few jr. high age) who minister in categories such as vocal, instrumental, writing, drama and preaching) It was an incredibly exciting weekend for all of us. Hunter participated in a vocal ensemble with another jr. higher (Mallory—she is adorable) as well as the previously mentioned Christian rock band (4/6). He also played drums for the high school worship team. The ensemble got a superior rating…which we were very happy with…as well as the band getting a superior. But the worship team received a superior with invitation…which translates to advancing to Nationals. What a great job!!! Not only did they advance…but they received the Merit Award…which translates to FIRST PLACE (out of 14 teams)!!!! Woo Hoo!!!!!!! They got to close out the Fine Arts weekend by ministering to the whole group of hundreds of people…what a rush!!! Hunter (who played drums) was told that he was the only jr. higher to play on a worship team that weekend (don’t know the validity of this…but we’re gonna’ roll with it ‘cause it makes him happy).

I know you may or may not be able to read between the lines…but I am a very proud mama right now…

It all came in the perfect doses this weekend. Yes, he achieved great success on the worship team, but he also received a healthy dose of humility when his other 2 events did not achieve total success. Isn’t God good? He can totally keep a 13 y/o musical dynamo in line just by deducting a couple of points. I so totally can find the humor in this!!!!

So…what does all of this mean? It means that somehow we (Hunter and maybe me) need to figure out how we’re going to make it to Orlando this August with the rest of the team. Darn...I really hate it when stuff such as this is held someplace wonderful!! ;-)

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Girls Look Good in Pink!!

As a mom there are times when one must set aside the timid soccer mom mentality and become a raging lion…particularly when protecting one of her cubs. Well…ROAR…!!!

My daughter is discovering the real world. Not the world where gas, food and clothing costs way too much, where taxes whittle away a hard-earned paycheck, where the cute little old lady in the Buick will not let you merge in front of her. No, she is discovering the real world where not everything is fair…or right.

She has a situation at work (business shall remain nameless…for their own protection…and so it can’t be traced back to the fact that I want to go in there and kick some butt) where things are not run by professional businesswomen, but rather catty, vindictive, immature 12 year olds masquerading as adult women. It is quite an eye-opener when an 18 year old college student is the mature level-headed employee…not those that "manage" the business.

I am digressing in my anger…

I won’t go into all of the particulars about the situation…it would take too long. But I am so ticked that my hands are tied in this instance. All that I can do is say, “it will all work out…you be the bigger person”…yada, yada, yada…you know the drill. Unfortunately, I have to let her learn this on her own.

She wisely said to me, “I realize that there are places in the world where people do not have the same values and morals that I do…but it blows me away that people can do the things they do…and not feel any guilt about it!”

She is not so naïve to think that everything in the world is always going to be sunshine and roses. Nor does she mistakenly think that just because you are a Christian that everyone is going to respect that and try to live up to your standards. But she does feel that people should maintain a sense of professionalism and a modicum of decency. But alas, all those thoughts have been put to pasture…and that, my friends, is the true crime in all of this.

We shall mark this day as one where the rose-colored glasses are removed and put away, and the stark reality of the world slaps you in the face and forces you to grow up at an alarming rate.

I must say…I like things better with a tinge of pink.

Monday, April 13, 2009

A lot of rain makes one week (wink, wink)

We attended the Passion Play on Thursday night. It was wonderful! I really enjoyed it. Yes, I know that the story is basically the same, but they put a fresh new spin on it and it was great to see something new. I highly recommend anyone local that can attend next year--get your tickets early and go!!!

We are back to a dreary, rainy Monday. Why must this be so? Can't it rain on,oh I don't know, let's say Thursday? Thursdays are really not that important of a day...they are the pre-cursor to Friday...which is always a great day (my favorite)...Obviously it shouldn't rain on the weekend--that is the nirvana for those of us that work full time...we need our weekends to be nice and sunny...always. Tuesdays would be another ok choice for rain, (not as good as Thursdays). Tuesday piggy backs onto Mondays it is kind of a rain would totally fit into its DNA make-up. On Wednesdays it storms too much as it is. I know this simply because I attend church on Weds. and I can not tell you how many times we have watched the skies before heading to church, keeping an eye out for Dorothy and Toto. Therefore, you can see my very rational reasoning for choosing Thursday. Does this not make sense to you also? Yes, I thought so.

Crazy week both at home and work this week. I have lots of prep at work for an accreditating crew. Plus we have Fine Arts this weekend, and we must fit in at least 3 extra practices on top of regular piano, worship team and baseball too!!! Sleep? psh...overrated. Keep HT (Hunter) in your prayers...he has so much to do...I do believe it is stressing him out a little bit. Pray that he keeps his head and heart straight, and a boundless supply of wisdom and energy (yea...not too much). The wisdom thing is easy...he claims to already know it all... ;-)
(Typical Taylor man)

Breeze through your Monday...Friday is coming!!!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Watching the Son Rise...

"The sun will come out tomorrow"...(cue flashes of me in red curls). Today seems to be a better day...maybe it has something to do with the fact that I have a 3 day weekend...that's always enough to solicit a smile.

We are headed to the Passion Play tonight, which has me very excited. I am eager to see the work that has been done to recreate this spectacular event.

Met with an old high school friend last night (Jen), she was in town visiting her parents over spring break (came to Indiana from Florida--how backward is that). It was wonderful reminiscing with her. Brought back lots of memories. At times I wish I were young again, but then way!! You know, I may have wrinkles, cellulite and stretch marks (good time to cue flashes of me in Heidi Klum's body)...but I have a hubby, 3 kids and a lifetime of memories and experiences to discount the fact that being young is where it's at!!! I told my friend Jen that in a few years those Don Pablo's chips we were eating wouldn't fall down and land on my chest...they would continue their downward spiral onto my lap...because that's where my chest would be to stop them!! Ok, so maybe being young does have its perks *giggle, snicker* ;-)

I wish everyone a wonderful Easter weekend. Please remember that we celebrate this glorious occasion to celebrate Jesus' resurrection...not the fact that peeps are available in every color.
I am so thankful the Lord sacrificed to allow me an eternal life (way beyond my wildest dreams).

~God Bless~

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Not having a good day.
Didn't sleep well, woke up early...didn't work out.
Do not want to be at work.
Do not want to be at home.

Still don't have taxes done.
Trying to decide if school will work out next year.
Don't want to face the inevitable.
Being a grown-up stinks.

Don't like know-it-alls.
Don't like being disappointed in others.
Don't like disappointing others.
Right now...just don't like others.

Feeling like cartoon character Maxine.
Looking like cartoon character Maxine.
Want to be cartoon character Maxine.
Maxine is my friend.

Wallowing in self-pity.
Wallowing in anger.
Wallowing in despair.
Would rather be wallowing in chocolate.'s gonna' be one of those weeks.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Lightin' it up!

Hello Monday!!!

I was going to say Happy Monday...but that would just be silly wouldn't it? What exactly is happy about a Monday? The only up-side for this particular week is that it is a shortened work week...give me a woo hoo!!!!

I must tell you that I was swollen with pride Friday night (that's my problem...I'm not overweight--I've been retaining water all these years)...oh, I, yes...I was swollen with pride Friday watching Hunter and his guys play at MHS. I jokingly refer to them as the boy band...and HT gets very self-righteous and informs me that they are not a boy band...they rock too much for that!!! I then haughtily inform him that the boy bands get all the girls (his mama knows exactly what buttons to push)...which creates a tug-of-war in his cute little 13 yo brain!!! I still off track??? *deep breath* we go...

The band (Beauty from Ashes) did awesome!!! They won the "battle" and are invited to play in the school talent show in a few weeks!! They totally rocked!!! It was awesome that dear hubby and another friend (different times of the day--orchestrated by Him) both told HT that this may be the only Jesus that these kids make sure to glorify Him. I was also proud that HT told the guys..."we are not going out there without praying first" and they huddled and prayed in front of the whole gym full of that is worth all the hassle of traveling to practice and drums banging in my peaceful abode. They play again for Fine Arts in just a couple of weeks...I pray that they will continue to grow in Him and focus on what their music can do to glorify the Lord.

Keeping it short it is a Monday I have much to do...but guess I can even work through my lunch hour...don't exactly want to go out as it is April 6th and snowing (NOT a typo).

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Rock On! *with appropriate hand motions*

Where has the time gone? I swear I just wrote on here not that long ago...but it has been almost 2 weeks!!! I am fighting some kind of bug...extreme nausea along with a massive migraine headache...and it just keeps going and going like that wretched little rabbit and the drum...

Sunday night we (Tim, Hunter, me and my friend Julie) went to the United Tour concert with Michael W. Smith and Steven Curtis Chapman. What an amazing night!!! I had gotten Tim tickets back in August for our anniversary, as those two guys are his faves...and we saw them in October. The whole time that we were there Tim kept saying, "I wish we had brought Hunter"...but it really wouldn't have worked out to celebrate our anniversary with our youngest son along for the weekend ;-).

BUT...God is good and brought them right to our back yard. We knew that we had to take Hunter since he wants to be the next Smitty (watch your back man). So...we splurged and bought the best seats that we could get so he could see everything up close and personal. We had 4th row was awesome!!! The anointing that these two men have on their lives is incredible. As I was looking around us I saw a wide variety of folks. Young and old, grey haired and pigtailed (not on the same person), wheelchair bound and standing with hands held high. They definitely appeal to the masses. I pray that the Lord will use my little drummer boy to glorify His kingdom even half as much as those two up in front of us.

Tonight my baby will be playing drums in his very first "gig". He and a couple of guys at church that have formed a band for Fine Arts will be playing at a lock-in at McCutcheon HS. They will be part of a "battle of the bands". He is so stinking excited he can hardly stand it!!! For him as a 13 y/o it's the equivalent of going to Disney...all his dreams are coming true! They are playing some pretty hardcore music (not my style, but I smile and bob my head as a supportive momager(like the new title?)). But the exciting part is that they are playing stuff that they wrote that is Christian a public school!! How's that for awesome!!!! Their banging music will appeal to the kids, who will listen...but their lyrics are wholesome and have a message. Isn't God great? :) I don't care if they win or not...I just want them to have an impact...and have a blast doing it!!! Now I know how my friend Carmen felt when she traveled to all of her son's shows...she better remember that I went with her a lot and accompany me on my road trips too!!! :-)

I got through the whole day on April 1st without anyone trying to play a joke on me. Fortunately (or not--depends on your view) my son chose to use his theatrical skills at school. He comes home telling me this story...

The previous day (Tuesday) his dad hit him with the truck when he walked in front of it (just a little love tap--I saw it happen--no need to call Child Protection Services). He then went and placed that information as his status on Facebook "Dad hit me with his truck--I have bruises" (he did spell bruises wrong though, I just can't make myself do it). Therefore when he went to school the next day, everybody and their brother asked if he was OK...etc. know how it goes. One of his friends (obviously a child that likes to cause trouble with other kids that like to cause trouble--I should call his mother) told HT (Hunter's name--it's easier to type) that he had a wrist brace in his locker from a time when he had gotten hurt. Of course, HT being the good Christian kid that he is instantly decided that would be his fashion accessory du jour. He walks into science class with this brace on, and his teacher (who also has a Facebook) sees it and is sympathetic and tells him not to worry about writing, just to sit there and listen (sucker). HT totally ate this up and did nothing constructive during class other than to plan his next method of attack on this totally traumatizing day. When class was over, HT walked up to the teacher, removed the brace...gave her a high-five (bad wrist) and said "April Fools" and walked out. I asked what her reaction was (poor woman) and he said she threw a pen at him (like a girl) and probably used some Christian cuss words (what are those? I may need them with a kid like this)!!! My thoughts s now turn to how to spend all that money I will be saving by not paying for private school for the next 3-4 he will get kicked out...Wanna' get away????

I need to go home after work and take a nap...if I am to attend this lock-in tonight and hear him play at older folks better rest up!!! :-)

Have a wonderfully stupendous weekend!!!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Happy Father's Day...

So many prayers answered this weekend.

-Boilers on to UConn

-Acacia and friends made it home safely...oh the tales that I have heard

-I roller skated and didn't break anything...yeah, that's right. All in one piece...I didn't even fall!!! Now that is worth a Glory Hallelujah!!!!!

I know that it sounds so trivial to pray for this small things (some less important than others), but in actuality, aren't we to take everything to Him in prayer? I find myself forgetting that so often. I will cruise through my days and not spend time with Him. I will then crash to a halt and fix that, then onto cruise control again. Why can't I seem to be consistant with this? That is what I am trying to work on right now. My days are busy, but should not be too busy for this...and I fail at it so often. Please forgive me Lord for falling short. You have given so much to me, how can I not repay You by spending just a little time with You?

My husband puts me to shame with this area in our lives, but I am so proud of his commitment to this. Every night, and I mean every...he goes into each of our children's rooms and prays for them once they are asleep. He prays for their walk with the Lord, regular daily stuff...and from the day they were born, he has prayed for their future spouses. Even when they spend the night somewhere else, he will go kneel and pray at an empty bed. Now that Jordan is married, he goes into Jordan's old room and prays for Jordan and Cassie and their marriage and future family. How awesome is this??? Then he will go do devotions and pray for the long list of those that have been placed upon his heart. Some names have been on that list for years, some just added this weekend. For example, just a few days ago he met a boy (about 10 or so) that he said just looked lost. Not lost in the physical sense, but lost within his own life. He had that awkward, unhappy look that often occurs in the tween years. Tim knows very little about this young man (he is the nephew of someone that Tim just met), but Tim felt his know what I mean? When talking to the new acquaintance, he found out that this young boy doesn't get out much, and that he lost his father a couple of years ago. How incredibly sad. Now that young man doesn't even know that he has been put on a prayer warriors that has him being watched over by a Father that is not by his side physically, but by his side in spirit every step of the way. I hope that little guy one day realizes who is a father to the fatherless, because I know of at least one person that is praying for this to happen. I am so lucky to have such an awesome Man of God for a husband!!!

Again, I am guilty of just going through life and forgetting where my heart should be...and how to bend my knees...but the Lord is placing these thoughts in my heart to remind me.

Father thank you for starting my week in with the reminder that You are in control. Thank you for reminding me where I need to be daily, which is at Your feet. Thank you for having such patience with me, and offering me Your grace much more than I deserve. Thank you for blessing my life with a godly husband, and the best earthly father to my children. I pray that I will not suffer from teen angst and know that You will offer me comfort and matter how I may feel. Thank you for just being you...and simply loving me....

Happy Monday!!!

Friday, March 20, 2009 very best friend

Real quick ...

-Good job Boilers... repeat tomorrow? But could you please make the point margin a little larger, just so that I don't stress? As always...we need to have the larger number (us>them).

-Bob is no longer my friend. I am hurting in a number of places. Thank goodness I work for an agency that supplies walkers and other aids to the elderly. I'm thinking of picking out a cute little walker and putting a basket on the front, just like we used to put on our bikes when we were young. White (plastic) wicker with big bright flowers? Yeah, I see it coming!!!

-Hoping the spring comes back this weekend (it is officially arrived when it was 24 degrees this morning). I dug out the open-toed shoes one day this week, and it hasn't gotten above 45 since then. I even got a pretty rosy pink pedicure!!!

-Don't forget to pray for Acacia and pals to have safe travel over the weekend. Matter of fact, I know a number of people up the angels to keep them all safe!!!

Have a wonderful, blessed weekend. I know I will!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Black and Gold (with a little blue)

Took home Bob, Jillian and Stacy or Kim or whatever her name is (big busted blonde that sucks her tummy in to create the protruding rib-cage affect) last night. They sat on my island--and did not fix dinner for me (knew they wouldn't darn them)! But I woke them up nice and early (4:30) this morning, well at least I woke up Bob. He was not happy with me. He may of had a smile on his face, and acted all nice...but he was sadistic in making sure that I twisted, lunged, jumped, squatted and whatever else he could think of to make me pant, grunt, sweat and resemble something like a water buffalo. We will see if I can get up from the toilet tomorrow, or lift my arms up enough to wash my hair. Can't imagine if I had woken up Jillian...I hear she is brutal. Mark my words now, if she gets crappy with me...I will take her out.

Keeping fingers, toes, eyes and legs crossed in hopes that the Boilers play as well in the NCAA tournament as they did in the Big Ten which they normally stink!! I have enjoyed watching them this favorite is JaJuan Johnson (affectionately called JJ by ME). He has grown so much as a player this year and become such a presence beneath the basket with a soft little hook shot...I just love it!!! I am a little sad that I won't be able to watch the game today...but I will keep checking online to see the score. Don't let me down boys. BOILER UP!!!

Speaking of Boilers~ Acacia, who is the little Boiler at our still in Florida, and will be driving home this weekend with thousands of others who were smart enough to migrate to warmer climates. Please pray for safe travel for them. If you are shocked that we let her go on a trip with 11 other girls and guys...join the club. I was equally as flabbergasted. Most of you know that Tim and I are labeled as strict parents, and don't let this little lapse fool you...we will proudly remain so. But she did go with a really good group of kids...we probably wouldn't have let her go with any other this was a good starting point. We have heard various points of perspective from others such as; "She is 18 and in college"=response of "So freaking what?!"
"You got to let her grow up/go sometime"=my response="Really? I mean really?"

Actually, I am really glad that we let her go. Neither Tim or I ever did anything like this when we were in college...and that is one of the reasons that we gave her our blessing. I know that this week she has created some memories/friendships that she will never forget. They rented an incredible house right near the beach that sounds so much nicer than where she lives now...not to mention that the sand and water are right could we keep that from our little princess? :-) They have gotten some sun, played games, shopped, watched the space shuttle take off, sunned some more, played football (in the dark) on the beach...and those are just the things that I know of in our all too brief conversations that we have had each evening. Not texting or calling her 15 times a day (which is our normal routine) has been hard on me. But I am trying to let her grow/go. As I have stated before, she really is one of my best friends...and all too soon, she will be moving on/up/out to bigger and better things as she establishes her own future. If she is accepted to the Fashion Institute in NYC for her junior year at PU, then she will be gone for a whole school year, not just a week. This is good practice for me...I do much better taking baby steps. Forgive me, I have digressed yet again into that dreaded retrospective Mom mode...

Really, just remember to pray for her and the whole gang as they travel. That is a really long trip, and even though they may all be considered adults...they are still somebodies kids...with no mommy or daddy there with them (visions of Acacia rolling her eyes at me) *giggle*

On this note, I will crawl down the hall to the bathroom...Bob is starting to take effect

BOILER UP!!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Today I have absolutely nothing new or special/specific to maybe I will just ramble. Do my best Rachel Ray and throw a little of this and a little of that in here to make up some kind of wonderful concoction (so totally spelled that wrong).

It is supposed to rain today, and my head tells me that is true. I have a splitting headache...that started last night. Because of the aforementioned headache...I went home and did nothing last night. Yeah, that's right all you moms of little ones that must chase your kiddies around...I did nothing!!! (I have paid my dues...I was once in your shoes) I did watch a re-run of the Biggest Loser. Man, I would love to go on that show. Sure, they work their butts off (pun intended), but that is all that they have to do. While they are focusing on getting into the best shape of their lives, they don't have to work a full-time job, run kids to school or practices, clean the house, do laundry...and I do believe that someone even cooks for them!!! See--why wouldn't I want to join? I too could start to look like a resemblence of my former self if I could only focus on losing weight. Dang...

Well, since I really have nothing special to say...and I now feel sorry for myself again (self-pity is a horrible foe)...I think I will go buy a new work-out video...I see that there are videos out there by Jillian Michaels and Bob whatever his name is...maybe if I go get one and take them home, they will cook for me too!!! *fingers crossed * ;-)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Icing on the Cake--green of course...

Today is St. Patrick's Day...not a huge deal for me except for 2 things; 1) I forgot to wear green 2) it's my son Jordan's 21st birthday.

Let's begin with #1. Ok, so I remembered about the whole green thing halfway to school today. Hunter did too, but fortunately for him, he has a green stripe on his tennis shoes. Me--well, the lucky little four leaf clover was not within my reach--no green to be found upon me! Arrive at work and someone enters my office, wielding her fingers like lobster claws, just itching to pinch an inch. I did threaten to break an arm (or two)...and she left. My neighbor down the hall received a load of lucky-day, stuff from her secret pal, and I must fess up, I did have the opportunity to wear a large, green lei all day long courtesy of her...but I declined due to a small strand of self-respect, and the fact that it made my neck itch. So alas, I will trod through my day anticipating that someone, somewhere will try to pinch me--and I will either bruise, drop them like Hulk Hogan...or use my best leprechan magic and disappear!!!

Now for #2 *sigh*...yeah, my very first baby is now 21. How in the heck did this happen???? Please don't think that I need a birds and the bees lesson, or Dr Spock to walk me through his childhood...but I swear that it really wasn't that long ago that he was racing through the house, or shooting hoops in the driveway. Humor me as I have to walk down memory lane...

It began when he was born (2 freaking weeks late!) and Tim said that he looked like Yoda--from Star Wars. Yes, he did resemble a little wrinkled old man...but he was my baby, and I instantly fell in love. He had a head full of hair (6 haircuts by a year old) that stood straight up no matter what we did to it!!! He was adorable--no, really--he was!!! Ok, I won't bore anyone with all the details of his childhood...but needless to went by in about a weeks time!!!

Just this last summer he got married to his beautiful wife Cassie. I see them laughing and joking together and it warms my heart to see them happy. I have so many wishes and dreams for them...but I realize that I must let go so that they can achieve their own wishes and dreams. I wait (but not too eagerly) for the day when they decide to have children, and I pray that they will raise their children in a Godly household.

So I guess that this official nod of adulthood marks another day where I must cut those apron strings--I began last summer...and I will finish the snip today. I must admit that I do so with more than a little sadness...for the cute little boy in the big glasses and bird-like legs, "the gnat" on the basketball court, but who had tremendous patience with a baby brother. I will sniff as I recall the first bike ride without training wheels, and the resulting trip to the ER. But I will swell with pride over the man that has worked up to 3 jobs at a time, taken college classes here and there (degree by 25?), bought a house, landed a great job with a healthy company--and snagged a wonderful wife. Many people have told Tim and I that we are lucky that we have such great kids...and we reply that they are great in spite of having us as parents who had to "learn the ropes" at the same time that they did. But, you know what? We do have great kids...and Acacia and Hunter have a great big brother!!!

Happy Birthday my little leprechan...I hope that your life takes you over the rainbow to the pot of gold!! Love you much... :-)

Monday, March 16, 2009

Spring has spring, grass has riz...let's see how bad this season iz...(sorry, poor attempt at hip-hop)

I decided that I probably should write on here again has been a while, and I did go through all that trouble to set the darn thing up. I will admit that it took me forever to find the exact spot on my blog to write another blog--ok, I must be aging much faster than I thought!!

Spring has sprung...yea--and boo!!! Yea because the earth is beautiful again, grass is greening, flowers are blooming, birds are singing...all that Hallmark jazz. Boo because that means shorts and swimsuits. You ladies know what I mean don't you...we won't even discuss buying a new swimsuit--I do believe that one day we will discover that Hitler had a hand in inventing this tortureous creation--argh!!! There is nothing fun, rewarding and even the slightest bit exhilarating about having to sqeeze into the uni-boob-creating/fully-shaved-leg-necessitating/thigh-cutting/cellulite-showing monstrosity that anyone over 35 really shouldn't enjoy!!! The only person that I know that actually looks good in a swimsuit is my daughter, and she is young and still perky ;-) (who also may be up for adoption by the end of the season--grrrr)

I am not sure I even put on shorts last summer--capri pants are my friend. According to the fashion rags, I am too short to wear capris--bull-hockey!! Nobody is too short--look at them, they are not even long!!! Who cares if they cut you off at the ankles--those are my ankles--which is right directly above my foot--as in one of the smallest parts on my body--isn't that what one would want to be seen???!!! Seriously folks, who writes this stuff?! There is nothing, and I do mean nothing, that will make me look tall and slender like Gisele or Heidi--the pants are the least of my worries! The one problem with wearing capris though is the that my legs are about as white as an Aspen mountaintop. That, my friend, is not a sight to behold. Ew!!!

Guess that means that I better join the long line of teenagers who are avidly preparing for prom by lying in those hot, sweating, plastic beds. I used to relax (and actually fall asleep) when I went tanning. Now, not so much. I am usually twisting my body in some pretzel fashion to check and see if the little digital numbers are actually getting smaller. Maybe if they made the beds so that somehow you are lying on a pile of sand with a salty ocean breeze blowing over crashing waves, I might enjoy it--know what I mean? Sigh--another post for another day...

I guess I will go home tonight and go for a walk...and enjoy the grass, sprouting flowers and singing my kinda-short pants.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009 la la...

Starting to experiment a little with this whole blog-site stuff. Boy do I feel challenged at all the little things that people do with their blogs...making mine pink was a big step for me. Obviously I will not be up for any Bill Gates type awards in the near future.

I have read more by young moms (which is actually how I came up with the name for my site...)
All the time that you have with your little ones will go by so can't keep up. For those that don't have little ones...the time you have with those you love will be fleeting. While it may seem that we sit at our desks for 40 hours a week, or clean up those kitchen counters is only a blink of a moment in time. Hang on tight!!!

Hunter came home from worship team practice last night bouncing off the walls. Things went well for the team as well as with his piano lesson (said he thought he actually impressed his teacher) and duet practice for Fine Arts apparently went great too (sure helps that his partner is a gorgeous blonde babe)!! I got such joy from watching him be a happy 13 year old boy! How often do you hear those words? The Lord has touched him so much that occasionally he will say out of the blue. "I am just happy". Wow!! No moody, sullen, head-down, mumble under your breathe teen-age attitude with him...ever! I am blessed--and I claim it now!! Ever since he was small whenever he was especially happy and would talk at a zero-to-sixty-in-5-rate of speed, he would go on and on...then look at us (since we hadn't gotten a word in edge-wise) and say, "do I need to be quiet now?" FYI--he always loses the quiet game!!!

I realize that I need to be happy...just because. No, I can't fit into a smaller size of jean. No, I can't hop into a nice new SUV and go for a spin. No, I don't have a trip to a tropical paradise planned anytime in the near future. But I still have my family and I have the blessings of the Lord upon me--so there--just because.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Well hello there...
This is my attempt to keep up with the rest of the world. No, I don't have a Facebook--and may never get one...but I have gotten great pleasure out of reading a number of other peoples' blogs and thoughts, which made me that is something that I can do. So here we go...starting small and wobbly.

A number of blogs that I have read are by women that are young mothers, twenty or thirty somethings or women full of great wisdom and life experiences. Hello, you will get none of that here!!! I am an older mom (not saying middle-aged ) that holds no wisdom, and am really happy to have grown (or nearly) children. BUT I also miss those young years where children are happy with the simple things in life (Barney, Cheerios, bugs and butterflies and Happy Meal toys). So where is the happy medium? Not sure, but I am very content with where I am.

My basis for anything that I write will be experiences with/from my family. They are the reason that I drag myself out of bed every morning~~because I positively adore my husband and children. I have been so blessed to have them placed in my life. Somehow the Lord has entrusted silly ol' me with 3 beautiful, wonderful kids and a husband that I absolutely do not deserve. Why? Did He want to see if I could really mess things up?

My husband Tim is the love of my life. Have we experienced trials? Sure...but for almost 22 years we have persevered and dealt with a lot of blows that could/would have made many couples hang it up. Tim is by the far the most extraordinary person that I know. He has struggled with various health issues that would defeat a weaker person, but has gathered his (His) strength with such humor and wisdom. I would be so lost without him.
My oldest son Jordan just got married this last year to a beautiful girl named Cassie. I pray for them to find happiness and grace to get through whatever may come their way as a couple...and to someday raise their children to know the Lord. My beautiful daughter Acacia is one of my best friends, and my best shopping buddy. I have always desired a close mother/daughter relationship, and have been blessed to receive that with her. I have watched her grow into a young lady that loves the Lord and is growing in Him while strengthening/keeping her light in a dark world. Finally, we have baby (that passes me in the hallway and looks down into my eyes). Hunter is the light in our household. He has his dad's sense of humor, and between the two of them--I am doomed. He has a special personality that makes him a joy to be around. The musical gifts and talents that the Lord has given him often leave me in total amazement (yes--I am proud). I am excited to see where the Lord will take him. story in a short synopsis...hope I didn't bore anyone too much. I look forward to venting, entertaining and lamenting in these pages, while also gathering wisdom, humor and new friends (and re-connecting with old ones).